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Dr. Ashok M. Chavan
Publications: Papers Published in Peer Scientific Journals
Chavan, Ashok M.
and S.P. Danai (1993). Fungi occurring on discoloured seeds of pulses and oil seeds.
Indian Bot. Reporter.
12 (1+3): 87-90.
Chavan, Ashok M.
(1994). Studies on effect of fungal pigments on hydrolytic enzymes of pathogenic seed moulds.
Indian Bot. Reporter
13 (1+2): 96-97.
Ashok M.,
B. M. Waghmare and D.S. Mukadam (1995). Studies on effect of Carbon and Nitrogen sources on pigment production in seed mould.
Biologia Indica
. 6 (1+2): 01-04.
Chavan, Ashok M.
and D.S. Mukadam. (1995). Effect of antibiotics and fungicides on pigment production in seed borne fungi.
Ann. Sci. J. Dr. B.A.M.U.
, Aurangabad. 28: 5-7.
Chavan, Ashok M.
(1996). Effect on fungal pigment on hydrolytic enzyme activity.
Flora and Fauna
2 (1): 29-30.
Chavan, Ashok M.
and D.S. Mukadam (1997-98). Studies on bioassay of pigment of seed-borne fungi.
Ann. Sci. J. Dr. B.A.M.U. A'bad
. 28 (5): 13-16.
Chavan, Ashok M.
and D.S. Mukadam (1998). Mycoflora of discoloured seeds in some cereals.
Ann.Sci.J. Dr.B.A.M.U. A'bad
. 28 (5): 17-20.
Chavan, Ashok M.
, D.S.Mukadam and S.V. Mandge (1998-99) Role of Temperature and Incubation Period in pigment production in seed borne fungi.
Ann. Sc. J. Dr. B.A.M.U., Aurangabad
. 29 (06): 5-10.
Chavan, Ashok M.
(1999) A New species of
from the Deccan intertrappean series of India.
Frontiers in Botany
. 27-34.
Waghmare, B.M.,
Ashok M. Chavan
and D.S. Mukadam (1999). Incidence of
species on different crop seeds.
Frontier in Botany
Chavan, Ashok M.
and D. S. Mukadam (1999). Diffusible fungal pigments: The Challenging bioactive substance.
Proc. of International Conference.
Sahasrabudhe, M., N. Wahegaonkar and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2000) studies on antimicrobial activity of some oil.
Dr. B.A.M.University J. of Science
. 30 (7): 89-92.
Chavan, Ashok M.
, S. D. Sathe and D. S. Mukadam (2000) Effect of monochromatic light on pigment production of seed-borne fungi.
Seed Technology
. 9-12.
Khillare, V. C.,
Ashok M. Chavan
and L. V. Gangawane (2000) "Synergistic effects of fungicides on thiophanate methyl resistance in green mold of sweet orange.
Plant Resource Development. Proc. of conference
.: 153-156.
Mukadam, D. S. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2001) Pigments of Seed-borne fungi - A new approach.
Recent trends in disease management of fruits and seeds
.: 193-204.
Khillare, V. C.,
Ashok M. Chavan
and L. V. Gangawane (2001) "Synergistic effects of antibiotics and insecticides on thiophanate methyl resistance in green-mould of sweet orange.
J. Indian Bot. Soc.
81: 177-178.
Chavan, Ashok M.
, D.S. Mukadam and V. C. Khilare (2002) Effects of pH on pigment production of seed borne fungi. Current prospective in plant and fungal biotechnology.: 97-100.
Sonawane, V. V., S. B. Bharaswadkar and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2003) Studies on Seed Mycoflora of Pea varieties grown in Marathwada region
Ann. Science J. Dr. BA.M.U., Aurangabad
.: 28-34.
Chavan, Ashok M.
and V.V. Sonawane (2004) Effect of Plant extract on seed moulds of Pea.
. 1 (1-4): 3-4.
Sonawane, V.V., S.B. Bharaswadkar and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2004) Studies on seed-borne fungi of Pea varieties cultivated in Marathwada.
Flora and Fauna
.10 (2): 131-134.
Sonawane, VV. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2005) Effect of antibiotics and fungicides on protease production by some seed-borne fungi of Pea.
Dr. BAMU Journal of Science
. 33: 85-87.
Bharaswadkar, S.B., V.V. Sonawane and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2005) Production of hydrolytic enzyme by seed-borne fungi of Tomato.
Dr.BAMU Jour of Science.
33: 66-67.
Bharaswadkar, S.B.,
Ashok M. Chavan
and V.V. Sonawane (2005) Tomato Lagwad, Niga, Rogniyantran (Marathi) Pikanche Ekatmik Rognivaran.
Saket Pub
. 131-137.
Sonawane, V. V., S. B. Bharaswadkar and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2005) Physical factors and protease production by some seed-borne fungi of Pea.
. 32: 49-52.
Sonawane, V. V., and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2005) Effect of oils on protease production by seed-borne fungi of pea.
. 2(3): 199-200.
Chavan, Ashok M.
, S. B. Bharaswadkar and V. V. Sonawane (2006) Studies on pathogenesity of fungi of tomato.
Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
. 1: 80-83.
Chavan, Ashok M.,
S. B. Bharaswadkar, V. V. Sonawane, V. M. Dharurkar and V.P. Mali (2006) Role of fungal toxin on seed abnormalities of pea.
. 3 (4): 282-287.
Chavan, Ashok M.
(2007) Biochemical changes in fennel (
Foeniculum vulgare
Mill.) during storage.
. 4 (2): 161-163.
Chavan, Ashok M.
and B. R. Thakare (2007) Interspecific hybridization in Brinjal (
Solanum melongena
L.) for
blight disease resistance.
. 4(3): 215-217.
Chavan, Ashok M.
(2008) Molecular Characterization of Seed borne
.5 (3A): 153-157.
Shelke, G. V.,
Ashok M. Chavan
, S.B Mades, G. V. Umalkar and B. R. Thakare (2008), Development of pearl Millet (
Pennisetum glaucum
L.). Inbred for ergot resistance.
. 5(3A): 168-169.
Taware, S.D., A.S. Taware,
Ashok M. Chavan
and D.S. Mukadam (2009) Wheat and Salinity: Response of Different Concentrations of NaCl and KCl.
Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia
. 6(1): 313-316.
Gadgile, D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009) Pectin content of mango pulp under the influence of
Aspergillus niger
. 6(1): 69-70.
IF : 2.22
Chavan, Ashok M.
and R.B. Kakde (2009) Detection of fungal load on Abnormal oil seeds from Marathwada Region.
. 6(2):149-150. I.F : 2.22
Gadgile D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009). Changes in Sugar contents of Mango pulp due to different isolates of
Aspergillus niger
. 36(2-3): 211-212.
Gadgile D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009). Changes in calcium contents of Mango pulp due to different isolates of
Aspergillus niger
Journal of mycology and plant pathology.
39 (1): 166-168.
I.F 4.85
Gadgile D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009). Changes in ascorbic acid (vitaminC) contents of Mango pulp due to different isolates of
Aspergillus niger
Bionano frontier
2(2): 69-70.
I.F 4.85
Powar, S. M.,
Ashok M. Chavan
and D. S. Mukadam (2009) Two reports of Powdery mildews on
Acacia pennata
L. and
Ixora pavetta
Andzews from Marathwada region.
Bionano Frontier
. 2(2): 82-83.
I.F 4.85
Pangrikar P.P., Gadgile D.P., Hatti A.D., Kakde R.B.,
Ashok M. Chavan
, Gaikwad R.S. and Mukadam D.S. (2009). Effect of Bt and non-Bt cotton root exudates on seed physiology and mycoflora of cereals and oil seeds.
Bionano frontier
. 2 (2): 87-90.
I.F 4.85
Chavan, Ashok M.
and R.B. Kakde (2009) Studies on Abnormal oilseeds mycoflora from Marathwada region.
Bionano frontier
. 2(2): 101-104.
I.F 4.85
Gadgile D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009). Spoilage ash contents of Mango pulp due to different isolates of
Aspergillus niger
International journal of pharmacology and Biological Sciences
. 3(2): 107-109.
Gadgile D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009). Impact of nutritional sources on the activity of enzyme cellulase produced by post -harvest fungi isolated from mango fruits.
6 (3): 227-229.
Gadgile D.P.,
Ashok M. Chavan
, P.P. Pangrikar, A.D. Hatti and R.B. Kakde. (2009) Impact of Temperature and Relative Humidity on development of Rhizopus rot of mango fruits.
National Journal of Life sciences
. 6(2): 215-217.
Gadgile D.P.,
Ashok M. Chavan
, R.B. Kakde, A.D. Hatti, P.P. Pangrikar AND R.S. Gaikwad (2009). Development of
Botryodiplodia theobromae
Rot (Stem End Rot) of Mango Fruits under the Influence of Different Temperature and Relative Humidity.
The Ecotech
. 1(2):184-186.
Pangrikar, P.P., D.P. Gadgile,
Ashok M. Chavan
, R.B. Kakde, A.D. Hatti and R.S.Gaikwad (2009). Rhizosphere Fungal Population of Bt And Non Bt Cotton At Different Age.
The Ecotech
. 1(2): 106-109.
Kulkarni, A.U.,
Ashok M. Chavan
and D.P.Gadgile (2009). Fungal Population of Maize (Zea Mays L.) Seeds.
The Ecotech
. 1(2).154-155.
Pawar, S.M., D.P.Gadgile,
Ashok M. Chavan
, R.B. Kakde and P.P. Pangrikar (2009). Ecology and Incidence of Powdery Mildews on Fruit Crops from Marathwada Region of Maharashtra State.
The Ecotech
. 1(2):124-126.
Gaikwad, R.S., D.S. Mukadam,
Ashok M. Chavan
, D.P. Gadgile, P.P. Pangrikar, R.B. Kakde and A.D. Hatti (2009). Effect of Edaphic Factors on Seed Propagation of
The Ecotech
. 1(2). pp. 128-129.
Gadgile D.P., P.P. Pangrikar and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009). Stem End Rot: Post Harvest disease of Mango.
. 6 (4): 282.
Gadgile, D.P.,
Ashok M. Chavan
, R.B. Kakde, A.D. Hatti, P.P. Pangrikar AND R.S. Gaikwad (2009). Influence of Environmental factors on the development of
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
rot (Anthracnose) of Mango fruits.
Environmental Conservation Journal
. 10 (3): 73-75.
Gadgile, D.P.,
Ashok M. Chavan
, R.B. Kakde, A.D. Hatti, P.P. Pangrikar and R.S. Gaikwad (2009). Post Infection Spoilage of Crude Fat Content in Mango Pulp under the Influence of
Aspergillus niger
Flora and Fauna
. 15 (1): 355-356.
Kakde, R.B., D.P. Gadgile, P.P. Pangrikar, A.D. Hatti, R.S. Gaikwad and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009). Impact of Nutritional Factors on Lipase Activity of Seed-Borne Fungi of Soybean (Glycin max L.).
Flora and Fauna
. 15 (1): 245-248.
Dharurkar, V.M.,
Ashok M. Chavan
, D. S. Mukadam and V. V. Sonawane (2009). The effect of chemical factory effluent on seed germination and seedling growth on
Phaseolus mungo
CV. T-9.
Int. J. Mendel
, 26 (1-4): 69-70.
Gadgile, D. P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009). Effect of antibiotics, vitamins and fungicides on extra cellular pectinase enzyme activity of post -harvest fungi isolated from mango fruits.
Inter. journal of pharmacology and biological sciences
. 3 (3): 115-118.
Hatti, A.D., P. P. Pangrikar,
A. M. Chavan
, D. P. Gadgile, R. B. Kakde and R. S. Gaikwad (2009) Qualitative analysis of aflatoxin from
Aspergillus flavus
Recent Research in Science and Technology
1(1): 43–45. On line: www.recent-science.com.
Pangrikar, P.P. Gadgile D.P., A.D. Hatti and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009).Seed physiology of different crops under the influence of bt and non-bt cotton rhizospheric fungi culture filtrate. Journal of Phytology. 1(6): 404–407.
Pangrikar, P.P. Gadgile D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009). Phylopsphere fungal population and their percent frequency from young, mature, senescent leaves of BT and non- BT cotton Rashi-2 variety. Biosphere 1(1):22-23.
Pangrikar, P.P. Gadgile D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2009). Production of extracellular protease enzyme by different rhizospheric fungi of BT and non- BT cotton varieties. Biosphere 1(1):24- 25.
D.S. Mukadam,
Ashok M. Chavan
, A.S. Taware, and S.D. Taware (2009), Isolation, Cloning and molecular characterization of pgaI gene from
Aspergillus niger
isolate from Mango. Indian Journal of Biotechnology. 9:153-159.
I.F 0.47
R.S. Gaikwad, D.P. Gadgile, R.B. Kakde and A.D. Hatti, P.P. Pangrikar,
Ashok M. Chavan
and D.S. Mukadam (2010). Bioefficacy of plant parts of Jatropha Sp. against pathogenic fungi.
Bionano frontier
. 2 (3): 104- 106.
I.F 4.85
Gadgile, D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Cellulase enzyme activity of post -harvest fungi isolated from mango fruits under the influence of antibiotics, Vitamins and fungicides.
Bionano frontier
. 2 (3):110-111.
I.F 4.85
Pangrikar, P.P. Gadgile D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Percent frequency of fungal population in rhizosphere of diff. varieties of Bt and non-Bt cotton at flowering stage
Bionano frontier
. 2 (3):112-113.
I.F 4.85
Kakde, R.B., D.P. Gadgile, P.P. Pangrikar, A.D. Hatti, R.S. Gaikwad and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010) Soybean Seed Germination Status Under The Influence of Fungal Metabolites
Bionano frontier
. 2 (3):116-117.
I.F 4.85
Hatti, A.D. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Detection of fungal population of
Sp. on oil Seeds.
Bionano frontier
. 2 (3): 134-136.
Pangrikar, P.P., Gadgile D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Phyllosphere Fungal Diversity and their Percent Frequency from Different Stages of Leaves of Bt and Non-Bt Cotton Mallika Variety.
Indian Journal of Applied and pure biology.
25(1): 43-45.
Chavan, Ashok M.
and Rajendra B. Kakde (2010). Impact of Carbon and Nitrogen sources on lipase enzyme activity of fungi isolated from abnormal oilseeds.
Indian Journal of Applied and pure biology.
25(1): 31-34.
Hatti, Amit D., Prashant P. Pangrikar and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Effect of different nutritional media on characteristics of
Aspergillus flavus
causing blackening of Sesame (
Sesame indicum
Indian Journal of Applied and pure biology.
25(1): 77-78.
Taware, A.S., D.S. Mukadam,
Ashok M. Chavan
and S.D. Taware (2010). Comparative studies of In Vitro & In vivo grown plants & callus of
Stevia rebaudiana
International journal of integrative biology
. 9(1): 10-15.
Shelke, G.V. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Improvement of agronomicaly desirable genotypes for downy mildew disease resisitance in Pearl millet [
Pennisetum glaucum
(L.) R. Br.] By recombination breeding.
Journal of Ecobiotechnology
. 2(1): 16-20.
Gadgile, D.P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
. (2010). Impact of temperature and relative humidity on development of
Aspergillus flavus
rot of mango fruit.
Recent Research in Science and Technology
. 2(3): 48-49.
Kesare U.T.,
Ashok M. Chavan
and Sumant G.T. (2010). Seed mycoflora of soybean from different districts of Marathwada in Maharashtra state
The Ecotech
. 2(1): 5-7.
Rathod, G.M., R.B. Kakde, D. P. Gadgile and
Ashok. M. Chavan
. (2010). Cultural and nutritional characteristics of isolates of
sp. From papaya fruits
The Ecotech
. 2(1): 26-28.
Hatti, A.D., Taware S.D., Taware A.S., Pangrikar P.P.,
Ashok. M. Chavan
and Mukadam D.S. (2010). Genetic diversity of toxigenic and non-toxigenic
Aspergillus flavus
strains using ISSR markers.
Int. J. Current Res
. 5: 61-66.
Kulkarni, Anil U. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Effects of carbohydrates on amylase production in seed-borne fungi of maize.
The Biosphere
. 2(1): 16-18.
Gaikwad, R.S., D.P. Gadgile,
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Bioactivity of
species extracts against human pathogenic bacteria.
The Biosphere
. 2(1): 66-68.
Taware, A.S., S.N. Harke, D.S. Mukadam,
A.M. Chavan
and S.D. Taware. (2010). Effect of different extracts of callus and plantlets of
Stevia rebaudiana
(Bertoni) on seed germination of some agricultural crops.
African Journal of Biotechnology
. 9(40): 6675-6683.
I.F 0.57
Gadgile, D.P., R.B. Kakde and
Ashok M. Chavan
. (2010). Post-harvest fungi associated with pomegranate fruits.
.7 (3): 273.
I.F 2.22
Gadgile, D.P., Kakde R.B., G.M. Rathod and
Ashok M. Chavan
. (2010). Post-harvest fungal diseases of some tropical fruits.
Biosci. Disc.
1(1): 7-10.
Taware, A.S., D.S. Mukadam,
A.M. Chavan
and S.D. Taware. (2010). Antimicrobial Activity of Different Extracts of Callus and Tissue Cultured Plantlets of
Stevia rebaudiana
(Bertoni). 6(7): 883-887.
Pawar, Vasant P. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Incidence of Powdery Mildew on Cucurbit Plants and its Ecofriendly Management.
Journal of Ecobiotechnology
. 2(6):29-43.
Kakde, Rajendra B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Determination of Toxicity of some Fungal Metabolites on Seed Germination and Pigment Leaching.
Journal of Ecobiotechnology
2 (6): 46-55.
Rathod, Sulochana R. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Extracellular Hydrolytic Enzymes Action of
Species under the Influence of Different Nutritional Sources.
Journal of Ecobiotechnology
. 2 (6): 57-62.
Rathod, Sulochana R. and
Ashok M.Chavan
(2010). Incidence of
Species on Different Cereals, Pulses and Oil Seeds.
Journal of Ecobiotechnology
. 2 (6): 63-65.
Kamble, S.M. and
Ashok M. Chavan
. (2010). Antimicrobial activity of some fresh water algae.
Journal of Experimental Sciences
. 1 (2): 05-06.
Rathod, G.M. and
Ashok M. Chavan
. (2010). Extra- cellular Pectinase Activity of Post-harvest Fungi from Papaya Fruits in Presence of Different Influencing Factors.
Journal of Experimental Sciences
. 1 (2): 07-11.
Kulkarni, Anil U. and
Ashok M. Chavan
. (2010). Fungal Load on
Zea mays
Seeds and their Biocontrol.
Journal of Experimental Sciences
. 1 (2): 20-25.
Pawar, S.M. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2010). Occurrence of
Ampelomyces quisqualis
ces. ex. Schlect-An Hyperparasite on powdery mildew fungi.
. 37(1): 71-72.
I.F 1.08
Kulkarni, Anil U., K.V. Badar and
Ashok M. Chavan
. (2011). Deterioration of Maize seeds by Storage fungi.
Bionano Frontier
I.F 4.85
Pangrikar P.P., M.S. Wadikar, V. U. Borde and
A. M. Chavan
. (2011). Production of protease enzyme from rhizosperic fungi of Bt and non Bt cotton varieties.
Bioscience Discovery
. 2 (2): 249-250.
I.F 0.09
Kakde, Rajendra B and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2011). Deteriorative changes in oilseeds due to storage fungi and efficacy of botanicals.
Curr. Bot
. 2(1):17-22.
Chavan, Ashok M.
and Rajendra B. Kakde. (2011). An Eco-friendly approach to control storage fungi.
Elixir Appl. Bot.
(38): 4150-4153.
I.F 6.86
Kakde, Rajendra B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
. (2011). Antagonistic properties of
Trichoderma viride
Trichoderma harzianum
against storage fungi.
Elixir Appl. Botany
. 41. 5774-5778.
I.F 6.86
Kakde, Rajendra B., S. M. Pawar, K.V. Badar and
Ashok M. Chavan
. (2011). Fungitoxic properties of leaf extract and latex against storage fungi.
Elixir Appl. Botany
. 41: 5944-5947.
I.F 6.86
Gadgile D.P. and
Chavan A.M. (2011).
Changes in phosphorous contents of mango pulp due to colonization of
Aspergillus niger
Indian Phytopath
. 64(2):192-193.
Kakde, Rajendra B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2011). Extracellular Lipase Enzyme Production by Seed-borne Fungi under the Influence of Physical factors.
International Journal of Biology
. 3(1): 94-100.
Chavan, Ashok M.
and Rajendra B. Kakde. (2011). Physical and Chemical Analysis of Fungal Deteriorated Groundnut and Sesame Oil.
J. Mycol. Plant Pathol
. 41(2): 303-307.
Kakde, Rajendra B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2011). Molecular Characterization of Fusarium spp. by using RAPD Technique.
J. of Ecobiotech
. 3(11): 01-04.
Badar, K.V. and
Ashok M. Chavan.
(2011). Seed physiology of some pulses and cereals under the influence of
Acacia arabica
Recent Research in Science and Technology
. 3(5): 06-07.
Kamble, Suhas M., Milind J. Jadhav and
Ashok M. Chavan.
(2011). Seasonal variations in algal population of Ajanta water–fall.
Recent Research in Science and Technology
. 3(5): 40-41.
Chavan, Ashok M.
(2011). Nutritional changes in oilseeds due to
Journal of Experimental Sciences
. 2 (4): 29-31.
Kakde, Rajendra B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2011). Effect of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, antibiotic and vitamin sources on hydrolytic enzyme production by storage fungi.
Recent Research in Science and Technology
. 3(5): 20-28.
Ashok M. Chavan
(2011). Development of interspecific hybrids for disease and pest resistance in egg plant.
Bionano frontier
V.P. Pawar and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2011). Chemical changes in cucrubites leaves by powdery mildew
Bionano frontier
D.P. Gadgile and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2011). Post-harvest fungal diseases of mango fruits
Bionano frontier
U.L. Kesare, Ashok Chavan, G.T. Sumant and G.M. Rathod. (2011) Effect of Nitrogen sources on hydrolytic enzyme production by seed mycoflora of soyabean.
Bionano frontier
G.M. Rathod and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2011) Hydrolytic enzyme activity of post-harvest fungi isolated from papaya fruits under the influence of antibiotics, vitamins and fungicides.
Bionano frontier
Kakde, Rajendra B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2011) Toxic potentialities of fungal metabolites on germination status of oil seeds.
Bionano frontier
Kakde, Rajendra B., K.V. Badar, S.M. Pawar and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2012). Storage mycoflora of oilseeds: a review.
International Multidisciplinary Research Journal.
Kakde, Rajendra B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2012). Nutritional changes in soybean and safflower oil due to storage fungi.
Current Botany
. 3(4): 18-23.
K.V. Badar, Rajendra B. Kakde, S.M. Pawar and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2012). Bioactivity of plant gums against pathogenic fungi. International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. 2(3): 09-12.
Anil U. Kulkarni,
Ashok M. Chavan
, Umesh T. Kesare and Sanjay M. Pawar (2012) Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus sources on amylase production in seed born fungi of maize
Current Botany
3(4): 01-04.
Gulab Rathod and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2012) Status of biochemical content in papaya (
Carica papaya
L.) after post-harvest pathogenesis by fungi,
Current Botany
. (3): 28-33 ISSN:2220-4822 Available online: http://currentbotany.org/
Anil U. Kulkarni,
Ashok M. Chavan (
2012) Effect of fungal Toxins on seed Physiology of different varieties of Maize. ISSN-2250-0383 RNI-02988/13//01/2011-TC
Special ISSUE.
Sulochana R. Rathod and Ashok Chavan (2012) Effect of physical factors on hydrolytic enzyme action of seed bone
Current Botany
S.M. Kamble, A.U Rokade and Ashok M. Chavan (2012) Antifungal activity of algal extracts against plant pathogenic fungi International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. 2(3): 24-25
Kunchge, N. S., Bandewar, S. T., and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2013): Efficent Agrobacterium mediated transformation protocol for Tomato (
Solanum lycopercicum
L.), in
Multilogic In Science
Kunchge, N. S., Bandewar, S. T., and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2013): Development of highly tolerant Tomato (
Solanum lycopersicum
L.) for Leaf curl virus using T-rep gene, In
vol.II, Issue-2.
Sherkar H D and
Chavan A M
(2014). Effect of 2, 4-D, BAP, and TDZ on callus induction and shoot regeneration in potato.
Science research reporter
ISSN 2249-2321 4(1):101-.
Sherkar H D and
Chavan A M
(2014). Studies on callus induction and shoot regeneration in Tomato.
Science research reporter
ISSN 2249-2321 Vol.4 (1): 89-93.
I.F : 4.50
Shelar, Gitanjali B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2014). Biological Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles produced by the fungus
Aspergillus terreus
. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
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3 (6): 1679-1683
Shelar, Gitanjali B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2014). Extracellular Biological Synthesis, Characterization and Stability of Gold nanoparticles using the Fungus
Helminthosporium tetramera
. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience. ISSN: 2320 – 7051.
Impact Factor: 6.58.
2 (3): 281-285.
Shelar, Gitanjali B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
Fusarium semitectum
mediated extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their antibacterial activity.
International Journal of Biomedical And Advance Research
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Impact Factor: 0.5660
. 05 (07): 348-351.
Shelar, Gitanjali B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2014). Antimicrobial activity of biogenic silver nanoparticles synthesized by
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. International Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures. ISSN 2277-3851. 4(2): 31-34.
Shelar, Gitanjali B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2014). Fungus–mediated biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and its antibacterial activity.
Archives of Applied Science Research
, ISSN 0975-508X CODEN (USA). 6 (2):111-114.
Bhosale, Shrikant B., D. S. Jadhav, B.Y. Patil and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2014). Bioefficacy of plant extract on Alternaria leaf spot of soybean (
Glycine max
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Indian Journal of applied research
Impact Factor : 4.89
Kulkarni, Anil U. and Ashok M. Chavan (April 2015) Culture characteristics and
producing strains of flavus from maize grains.
Science Research Reporter
. 5(1):24-29. ISSN: 2249-2321(Print); ISSN: 2249-7846(Online).
I.F : 2.83
Shelar, Gitanjali B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2015). Myco-synthesis of silver nanoparticles from
Trichoderma harzianum
and its impact on germination status of oil seed.
Biolife an International Quarterly Journal of Biology and Life Sciences
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Sherkar D.K. and
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(2015). Incidence of grain mold on sorghum in Marathwada region.
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Impact Factor : 2.958
Sherkar, Dnyaneshwar K. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2015). Effect of fusarial toxin on seed germination of sorghum.
International journal of current research
Impact Factor : 7.74
Kesare U.T.,. Shinde M. S. and
Ashok M. Chavan
Physical changes in soybean oil due to seed borne fungi.
Frontiers in plant diseases and its control for Agricultural development Bio chemical sciences
(ISBN).9788193053317.pp 57- 68.
Shaikh, N .U. V. A. Bhalerao and
A. M. Chavan
(2015). Mycobiota of stored groundnut seeds.
Frontiers in plant diseases and its control for Agricultural Development (Biochemical Sciences
(ISBN).9788193053317 PP.212-218.
Sherkar, D. K., S.B. Mane and
A. M. Chavan
Diversity of Pathogens of Grain mold disease of sorghum in Marathwada.
Frontiers in plant diseases and its control for Agricultural development Bio chemical sciences
Pawar, Subhash B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
Survey of foliar fungal disease of onion in maharashtra.
Frontiers in plant diseases and its control for Agricultural development (Bio chemical sciences
Pawar, Subhash B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
Impact of unseasonal rain & hailstorm on spoilage of onion (
Allium cepa
Intr. Jr. Current Res.
I.F: 4.89
Pawar, Subhash B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
Isolation of foliar pathogen from (
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Intr. Jr. of Scientific Res
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Mane, S.B. and
A. M. Chavan
Impact of plant age on phyllospheric mycoflora of conventional and organic cotton fields.
International. Indian Journal of Applied Research.
5 (10): 2249-555X.
I.F : 6.03
Mane, S.B. and
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(2015). Comparative approach of phyllosperic mycoflora of conventional and organic cotton,
International Journal of Current Research.
7 (09): 20480 -20482. 0975-833X, 6.226
I.F : 7.74
Kulkarni A. U., Survase S. A., Pradhan R. G. and
A. M. Chavan
(2016). Detection of seed borne fungi from food grains,
International Conference on Plant Research and Resource Management 25
Silver Jubilee scientist meet
, p.11 to 13Feb. 2016.
Mane, Shrikant B., Shrikant B. Bhosale., Subhash B. Pawar and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2016). Comparative Analysis of Phyllosphere Mycoflora of Conventional and Organic Different Cotton Field.
Inter. Journal of Recent Scientific Research
. 7 (7): 12468-12470.
I.F : 6.86
Pawar, Subhash B., Shrikant B. Mane, Shrikant B. Bhosale and
Ashok M. Chavan
, (2016) Isolation and Identification ff Field Bulb Fungal Pathogen From (
Allium cepa
L.) in Maharashtra,
Asian Journal of Science and Technology
. 07 (08): 3387-3389. ISSN: 0976-3376.
I.F : 4.50 : 6.35
Mane, Shrikant B. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2016) Qualitative and quantities analysis of rhizosphere mycoflora of conventional and organic farming.
International Journal of Applied Research
; 2(8): 439-443, ISSN Print: 2394-7500.
Pawar S. B, Pardeshi R.K. and
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(2016) Biochemical changes in the onion bulb under the influence of Fungi.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery
2(1): 659-666.
Mane, Shrikant B., Shrikant B. Bhosale., Subhash B. Pawar and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2016): Comparative Analysis of Phyllosphere Mycoflora of conventional and Organic different cotton field.
International Journal Recent scientific Research
. 7 (7): 12470.
I.F : 5.97
K. V. Badar, B T. Pawar and Ashok M. Chavan (2016) Chemical properties of gums collected from some medicinal plants Journal of Env. Sce. Taxicology and food tech. ISSN: 2319-2399, Vol..10(12), PP 32-34
I.F : 2.66
Murumkar, P. N. and
Ashok M. Chavan
(2017). Comparative Studies of
Leaf Spot on CMS, GMS and Conventional ISO- Hybrids in Upland Cotton (
G. hirsutum
Inter. Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).
6 (9) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064.
I.F : 6.39
Murumkar, P. N. and
Ashok. M. Chavan
(2017) Evaluation of Male Sterility in
G. hirsutum
for Heterosis Breeding for Yield and Yield Contributing Traits.
Trends in Biosciences
10(33), Print: ISSN 0974-8431, 7025-7028.
Gadgile Dhodiram and
Ashok M. Chavan.
(2017) Detection of post-harvest fungal diseases of mango by X- ray scanning not –destructive technology plant pathology & Quarantine 7(1): 65-69 www.pppqjournal.org.
Shaikh, Nishat U. and
Ashok M. Chavan (
Isolation and characterization of
sps. From Citrus.
International Journal of Current Research
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I.F : 7.74
Bhalerao Varsha A. and
Ashok M. Chavan.
(2017) Isolation of filamentous fungi in post-harvest cereal grain during the Storage and their effect on seed health.
Int. J. Adv. Res.
5(8), 2171-2177. ISSN: 2320-5407. Article DOI: 10.21474/ IJAR01/5283.
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Shaikh, Nishat U. and
Ashok M. Chavan
. (2018) Effect of gold nanoparticles on germination status of cereals,
International Journal of Current Research
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I.F : 7.74
Pawar S.B., Jige S.B., Pardeshi, R. K. and
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(2018) Effects of nutritional sources on cellulose enzymes by fungi of onion,
International Journal of Universal Print
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Badar K. V., Pawar B. T., and
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(2018) Qualitative Analysis of Chemical Compounds of Gums Collected from Plants of Ajantha Forest, International Research Journal of Science & Engg. Special Issue a6: 39-42 ISSN: 2332-00155. pp1-4
I.F : 6.68
Badar K. V., Pawar B. T., and
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(2019) Effect of Gum collected from Acacia spp. On Seed Germination EDU Index, Think India Journal, ISSN: 0971-1260, Vol 22(31) PP:441-445 .
I.F : 6.62
Kakade R. B., and
Chavan A. M.
(2019) Effect of Storage Fungi on Physio-Chemical Changes in Sunflower Oil, Research Journey International Multidisciplinary E-Research Journal, Recants Trends in Life Sciences for Human Walfare. Special Issue 119: 2348-7143. Pp 28-32.
I.F : 6.21
Bandewar S. T., Kamble D. T., Kunchge N. S. and
A. M. Chavan
(2019) Transgenic approach for Development of highly tolerant Tomato (
Solanum lycoperiscum
) against leaf curl virus using T-rep gene. Research Journey International Multidisciplinary E-Research Journal, Recents Trends in Life Sciences for Human Walfare. Special Issue 119:2348-7143. pp 127-130.
I.F : 6.26
Mane S. B. Pangrikar P. P., and
A. M. Chavan,
(2019) Fungal Incidence on Groundnut Seed From Different Locality of Marathwada. International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research ISSN 2394-7780 pp 319-322.
I.F : 7.36
Bandewar S. T. Kunchge N. S., Pangrikar P. P. and
A. M. Chavan,
(2019) Tolerant Tomato Olerant Tomato (
Solanum lycopesicum
) Development for Leaf Curl Virus Inter. Journal of Advance and Innovative Research ISSN 2394-7780 pp 96-99
I.F : 7.36
Varsha A Bhalerao, and Ashok M Chavan (2020) Antifungal activity of leaf extract against mycotoxin producing fungi Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11(2), 2650-2656.
Varsha A. Bhalerao, Rajkumar M. Lokhande, Shrikant B. Bhosale, Pankaj P.Khirade, Sandip V. Mahajan, D. K. Gaikwad, and
Ashok M. Chavan1 (2020)
Radiation interaction properties of verious polymers, satureted and unsaturated fatty acids: A comparative investigation of Monte carlo simulation and NISTXCOM
IOP Publishing
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Pawar S. B., Bhosale S. B. and
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Antagonistic Activity of Trichoderma Harzianum on Fungi of Onion
(Allium cepa L.). Purakala (UGC Care Journal) ISSN:0971-2143 Vol-31-Issue-09-April-2020
Pawar S. B and Ashok M Chavan (2021) Analysis of genetic variability of Fusarium species on onion using its markers Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research ISSN 2349-5162 8(2) 417-422.
Pramod S Fuke and Ashok M Chavan (2021) Callus induction studies in
Salvadora persica
L. The international journal of analytical and experimental model analysis XIII (XI) 944-954.
Pramod S Fuke and Ashok M Chavan (2021)
In vitro
micropropagation study of
L. BIOINFOLET 18 (4) 548.
Musale G. P, Mane S.B and Chavan A.M (2021) Effect of different flours with baggase on yield of
Pleurotus eous
The international journal of analytical and experimental model analysis XIII (X) 562-571.
Ku Snehal Magar, Ashok Chavan, Shrikant Mane and Amar Waghule (2021) Growth of pleurotus florida on different agricultural substrates (Oyster mushroom) International journal of ecology and environmental science 3 (3) 190-192.
Pramod S Fuke and
Ashok M Chavan
In vitro
micropropagation study of
Salvadora persica
L. BIOINFOLET 18 (4) 548.
Pramod S. Fuke, Shilpa G. Chavan and Ashok M. Chavan (2022) Tissue culture protocol of
Salvadora persica
L. International journal of current science (IJCSPUB) 12 (1) 406-413.
Shilpa G. Chavan and Ashok M. Chavan (2022) Effect of different supplements of
Adansonia digitata
L. on yield of Pleurotus ostrearus International journal of humanities,low and social science IX, II (II) 22-27.
Vaibhav D. Misal and Ashok M. Chavan (2022) Studies on effect of chemical mutagens in
Pisum sativum
International journal of research and analytical
reviews (IJRAR)
9 (3) 284-288.
Sachin R. Giram and Ashok M. Chavan (2022) Bioremediation of azo dyes by fungi isolated from contaminated dye effluent sites International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) 12 (03) 467-472.
Sachin R. Giram and Ashok M. Chavan (2022) Impact of physical factors on laccase enzyme production of fungi The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis. XIV (VIII), 531-536.
Sachin R. Giram and Ashok M. Chavan (2022) Biological degradation of direct blue 15 (C
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s) dyes by using fungi isolated from industrial effluent. 56 1 (IX), 106-112.
Sachin R. Giram and Ashok M. Chavan (2022) Decolorization of azo dyes acid yellow 42 (C
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Vaibhav D. Misal and Ashok M. Chavan (2024)
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Gaisamudre Kavita and
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(Gaertn.) Roxb. ex. Fleming.” Pharmacognosy Journal, 3 (20), 63 – 65.
Gaisamudre Kavita N. and
A. S. Dhabe
, 2011, “Propagation of
Meizotropis buteiformis
Voigt.” Journal of Eco-biotechnology. 3 (6): 13-15.
Kavita Gaisamudre, P. B. Papdiwal and
A. S. Dhabe
, 2011, “Studies on Propagation of
Ceiba pentandra
(L.) Gaertn.”, Life Science Bulletin, Vol 8 (2), 271-273.
Ingle Priyanka, Vinod Jogdand and
Arvind Dhabe
, 2012, “Anatomical studies on
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Gaisamudre K. N.,
Arvind Dhabe,
“Germination of
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Gaisamudre K. N., Jennet Francis and
Arvind Dhabe,
2012, “Vegetative propagation of
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Santosh Kamble, Priyanka Ingle and
Arvind Dhabe
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Gaisamudre Kavita and
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, 2012, “Effect of Scarification on germination of
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Priyanka Ingle and
Arvind Dhabe
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Tukaram Gitte, Priyanka Ingle and
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Francis J. W., M. M. Dandu, M. M. Sardesai &
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2013, “A catalogue of species added to the Flora of Marathwada” Bioinfolet, 10 (1a), pages 1 – 7.
Paithane Vijay A., Kamble Santosh S., Bhuktar A. S.,
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Akanksha G. Kedar,
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Jogdand Vinod and
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Jogdand Vinod and
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Biradar Rupali, Vikas. S. Gambhire and
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2013,“Pharmacognostic studies in
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Ingle Priyanka, Santosh Kamble and
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Jogdand Vinod R. and
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Kamble T. D., B. N. Karodpati, M. M. Sardesai and
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Chavan Shantanu, Rupali Taur, Ravi Patil and
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Karodpati Betabsing N. and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2013, “Cypsellar study of some representative taxa from tribe Heliantheae (Asteraceae)”, Bioinfolet, 10 (4A) pages 1131-1134.
Ingle Priyanka A. and
Arvind S. Dhabe
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Kare M. A.,
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and A. S. Bhuktar, 2013, “Studies on Morphology, anatomy and Phytochemistry of
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Biradar Rupali M., Vikas S. Gambhire and
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Kamble Santosh S. and
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Survase S. A. and
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Dhabe Arvind S.,
2013, “Medicinal Plant Wealth of Marathwada” Proceedings of National Conference on Conservation of Medicinal Plants and their utilization, Hingoli, Maharashtra, 09- 10 December 2013.
Ingle Priyanka and
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Gitte T. A. and
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Bhosle Santosh S. and
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Bhosle Santosh S., B. M. Rathor and
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Bhosle Santosh S., Nandkishor More, Brijkishor M. Rathor and
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Bhosale Santosh S., V. A. Paithane, B. M. Rathor,
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and A. S. Bhuktar, 2017. “Some newly introduced flowering Taxa in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra State, India”. Bioscience Discovery, 8(2):265-269. ISSN: 2229-3469 (Print); ISSN: 2231-024X (Online)
Dhabe Arvind S.
& Esam Mohammed Abo Ghazal, 2017, “Survey of some ethno-botanical plants used to treat human ailments in Sharis district, west of Yemen” International Journal of Botany Studies, Volume 2; Issue 5; September 2017; Page No. 21-32. ISSN: 2455- 541X
Esam Mohammed Abo Ghazal and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2017, “Traditional Medicinal Plants used by local people in Sharis district, Hajjah governorate, Republic of Yemen” International Journal of Current Advanced Research Vol. 6; Issue 10; P. No. 6886-6891 ISSN: O: 2319-6475, ISSN: P: 2319-6505.
Dongre Seema V. and
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Naik Nileshkumar and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2018, “Diversity of Mangroves and Mangrove associates from Purna Estuary, South Gujarat”. International Journal of Botany Studies, ISSN: 2455-541X,Vol. 3; Issue 2; March 2018, Page 157 – 162.
Naik Nileshkumar and
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, 2018, “Analysis of
Sesuvium portulaccastrum
(L.) L. by E. D. S. method”. International Journal of Botany Studies, ISSN: 2455-541X, Vol. 3; Issue 2; March 2018, Page 179 – 180.
Uchitkar Balaji P. and
Dhabe Arvind S
., 2018 a, “Some traditional genotypes of Sorghum from Hingoli district, Maharashtra”. International Journal of Botany Studies, ISSN: 2455-541X, Vol. 3; Issue 2; Page 181 – 185.
Khomne A. V., Wakle V. B. and
Dhabe A. S.
, 2018, “Diversity of true mangroves and mangrove associates in Karnataka, south west coast of India”, International Journal of Advanced Research and Development, Volume 3; Issue 2; March 2018; Page No. 1278-1281. ISSN – 2455 – 4030,
Khomne Arjun V., Vaibhav B. Wakle, Nilesh Kumar Naik and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2018, “Ethnobotanical Survey of Mangroves and their associates in Uttara Kanada district, Karnataka State”. International Journal of Botany Studies, ISSN: 2455-541X, Vol. 3; Issue 3; May 2018, Page 22 – 23.
Khomne A V, Wakle V B and
Dhabe A S
, 2018, “Diversity of true mangroves and mangrove associates in Karnataka, south west coast of India”, International Journal of Advanced Research and Development, Volume 3; Issue 2; March 2018; Page No. 1278-1281. ISSN – 2455 – 4030,
Al-Seragy Ibrahim M. H. and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2018, “Some Anti-Cancer medicinal plants from Yemen” Bioinfolet, 15 (1) page 50-53, ISSN 0973-1431 (Print) 0976-4755 (Online).
Salve A. P. and
A. S. Dhabe
, 2018, “Antioxidant activity of
Terminalia procera
Roxb.,” Bioinfolet, 15 (1) page 65, ISSN 0973-1431 (Print) 0976-4755 (Online).
Wakle Vaibhav B., Arjun V. Khomne and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2018, “Traditional and Medicinal uses of Mangroves from Maharashtra, West coast of India”. Bioinfolet, 15 (1) page 72-73, ISSN 0973-1431 (Print) 0976-4755 (Online).
Dongre Seema V. and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2018, “Effect of scarification on germination of
Senna alexandrina
Mill. Seeds”. Bioinfolet, 15 (1) page 74-75, ISSN 0973-1431 (Print) 0976-4755 (Online).
Uchitkar Balaji P. and
Dhabe Arvind S
., 2018 b, “Indigenous methods of millet seed conservation”. Bioinfolet, 15 (1) page 76-77, ISSN 0973-1431 (Print) 0976-4755 (Online).
Wakle V. B., Khomne A. V. and
Dhabe A. S.
, 2018, “Diversity of mangroves in Goa, central west cost of India” International Journal of Botany Studies, Vol. 3, issue 3, May 2018, pp 65 – 67; ISSN 2455-541X,
Sogil Hussain and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2018, “An Ethnobotanical study of Plants used for the treatment of wounds in the Hajjah district, Republic of Yemen”. International Journal of Botany Studies, Volume 3; Issue 4; July 2018; page 34-36. ISSN: 2455-541X;
Sogil Hussain and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2018, “Ethnobotanical study of folk medicinal plants used by villagers in the Hajjah district - Republic of Yemen”. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies, Volume 6; Issue 5; September 2018; page 24-30. ISSN, Print: 2394-0530; ISSN Online:2320- 3862
Dhabe A. S
., 2018, “Three new species of
, Combretaceae” Pleione, 12 (2), 322 – 331. ISSN: 0973-9467. Doi: 10.26679/Pleione.12.2.2018.322-331.
Al-Seragy Ibrahim M. H., Kiran R. Kharat &
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2019, “Cell cycle arrest and induction of Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer Cells (T-47D) by
Annona squamosa
L. and
Thymus vulgaris
L. Ethanolic extract” J. of Biologically Active Products from Nature, (TBAP), 9 (1), pp 47 – 56.
Uchitkar Balaji P.,
Dhabe Arvind S
., 2019 a, “Some traditional genotypes of Sorghum from Aurangabad district, Maharashtra.” Research Journey, International Multidisciplinary E- Research Journal, Special issue – 120, Feb. 2019. Pp 149 – 154, ISSN – 2348 - 7143
Dhabe Arvind S
., 2019, “New distributional record of
Terminalia travancorensis
Wight & Arn. (Combretaceae), Bioinfolet, 16 (1+2) page 41-43, ISSN 0973-1431 (Print) 0976-4755 (Online).
Dongre Seema V. and
Dhabe Arvind S
., 2019, “Morphological characters of genus
Moench and its species from Maharashtra”, Bioinfolet, 16 (1+2) page 44-47, ISSN 0973-1431 (Print) 0976-4755 (Online).
Uchitkar Balaji P. and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2019 b “Some traditional genotypes of Jowar from Nanded district, Maharashtra”, Bioinfolet, 16 (1+2) page 48-51, ISSN 0973-1431 (Print) 0976- 4755 (Online).
Shaikh M. D, M. A. Kare and
A. S. Dhabe
, 2019, “Induced mutagenic studies in french bean (
Phaseolus vulgaris
L.)”, Bioinfolet, 16 (1+2) page 52-53, ISSN 0973-1431 (Print) 0976-4755 (online).
Joshi Mrinal P.; Kishor A. Matsagar; Rohini S. Solanke; Vijay R. Wavhal; Indraneel V. Jiwane; Seema V. Dongre and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2019, “Effect of mutagenesis on seed germination in two different varieties of
Cicer arietinum
L.” Think India Journal Vol. 22, special issue 31, pp 100-108. ISSN:0971-1260
Shahane Komal R.; Rahuli M. Nande; Dipalee G. Popale; Dnyaneshwar K. Gunde; Akshaykumar B. Raut ; Seema V. Dongre and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2019, “Effect of mutagenesis on seedling germination on field in two different varieties of
Cicer arietinum
L.” Think India Journal Vol. 22, special issue 31, pp 192-202. ISSN:0971-1260.
81. Gitte Tukaram and Arvind Dhabe, 2019, “Anatomical studies in
Tephrosia villosa
(L.) Pers.” Think India Journal, vol. 22, issue 31, pp 762 – 769.
Gitte Tukaram and Arvind Dhabe, 2019, “Anatomical investigations in
Tephrosia tinctoria
Pers. Journal of Global Resources, Volume 5 (02), July 2019, Page 309-318
Gitte Tukaram and Arvind Dhabe, 2019, “Anatomical investigations in
Tephrosia spinosa
Pers. Research Journey, Special issue, February 2019, pp309 – 318.
Gitte T. A. and Dhabe Arvind S., 2019, “Micromorphological studies on some
species, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, ISSN: 2394 – 7780,Volume 6, Issue 1 (XVI): January - March, 2019, pp 350 – 356.
Salve A. P. and
A. S. Dhabe
, 2019, “Bioprospecting
Terminalia muelleri
Benth. for antioxidant activity” Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8 (3): 1154 – 1158.
Bhosle Santosh S. and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2020, “Medicinal Plants of Parbhani district of Maharashtra state, India”. Studies in Indian Place Names, Vol. 40, issue 42, pages 179 – 184; February 2020. ISSN: 2394-3114.
Gitte Tukaram, Kare Mamtaram and Dhabe Arvind S., 2020, “Anatomical studies in
Tephrosia vogelii
Hook. f.” Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, ISSN: 2322-0015, Special Issue A9, July, 2020, pp 60 – 68.
Naik Nileshkumar K. and
Dhabe Arvind S.
, 2020, “Elemental analysis of Mangroves by E. D. S. method”. Bioinfolet, 17(1), pp 72 – 74, ISSN 0973-1431 (Print), 0976-4755 (Online)
Akram Gholami, Saloni Malik,
Arvind S. Dhabe,
Arun K. Pandey and Shashi B. Babbar,2020, “DNA Barcoding of Indian Alysicarpus (Fabaceae): ITS alone distinguishes species” Vegetos, Vol. 33, pp 592 – 600.
Sanasam Sanjay Singh, M. Haripriya Devi, P. Kumar Singh and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2020, “Status of threatened ethno-medicinal plants from Imphal valley (Manipur), India”. Bioinfolet, Vol. 17 No. 3A. ISSN: 0973-1431 (Print), 0976-4755 (Online).
Dongre Seema V. and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2020, “Studies on phytochemical profile of
Chaemicrista pumila
(Lam) Singh and
Chaemicrista mimosoides
(L.) Greene with the help of HRLC-MS Techniques”. Bioinfolet, Vol. 17 No. 4A. ISSN: 0973-1431 (Print), 0976-4755 (Online)
Khoirom Yaiphabi Devi , S. Sanjay Singh, M. Haripriya Devi,
Arvind S. Dhabe
and P. Kumar Singh, 2020, “Ethno-medicinal plants from Bishnupur District, Manipur, North Eastern India”. Bioinfolet, Vol. 17 No. 4A. ISSN: 0973-1431 (Print), 0976-4755 (Online).
Shilwant Swati B. &
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2021, “Analysis of
Tacca leontopetaloides
(L.) Kuntze by using fourier transform-infrared spetrophotmeter (FT-IR)”, International Journal of Botany Studies, Vol. 6, Issue 5, page no. 1546 – 1549, ISSN: 2455-541X,
Shilwant Swati B. &
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2021, “
micropropagation of
Tacca leontopetaloides
(L.) Kuntze”, International Journal of Botany Studies, Vol. 6, Issue 6, page no. 1500 – 1502, ISSN: 2455-541X,
Singh S. S., Thokchom, R., Thokchum, J., Haripriya Devi M.,
Dhabe A. S.
& P. Kumar Singh, 2021, “Cultivation practices of
Curcuma angustifolia
Roxb. in ICAR research complex for NEH region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal, India”. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, Volume 13, Issue 2, pp. 10634 – 10637. ISSN: 0975-3710 & E-ISSN: 0975 – 9107,
Singh, S. S., Rocky Thokchom, Jenita Thokchum, Soumitra Sankar Das,
Arvind S. Dhabe
& P. Kumar Singh, 2021, “Cultivation and Propagation of
Iris laevigata
Fisch., an Endangered Ethno-medicinal Plant of Imphal Valley Manipur, India”. Journal of Agriculture Science, Vol. 13, No. 5; 1 – 8; Published by Canadian Centre of Science and Education. ISSN 1916 – 9752, E- ISSN: 1916 – 9760.
Pranita V. Raithak,
Arvind S. Dhabe,
Sandip T. Atkore, D. Narasimaswamy, Ravi Varala, 2021, “ Isolation and Identification Antimicrobial Compounds from
Berberis aristata
Root Extract”, Caribbean Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 9 (1), 5 – 61.
Snehal Prakash Magar, Arvind Dhabe, Geeta Patil, Shrikant Mane and Amar Waghule, 2021, “Study of growth of
Pleurotus sajorkaju
(Oyster Mushroom) on different agricultural substrates” International Journal of Life Sciences, 9 (3): 326-329.
Pranita V. Raithak,
Arvind S. Dhabe
, Sandeep T. Atkore, M. Mujahid alam, Vijay Kotra, and Ravi Varala, 2022, “Synthesis and Antioxidant Evaluation of Indole Quinoline Derived Chalcones”, Asian Journal of Chemistry; Vol. 34, No. 1 (2022), 235-238,
Pranita V. Raithak, Arvind S. Dhabe, Sandeep T. Atkore, M. Mujahid Alam, Vijay Kotra, Ravi Varala, 2022, “Synergetic Catalytic Bleaching Earth Clay and PEG-400 for Rapid Synthesis of Polyhydroquinoline Derivatives and Their 2,2-Diphyenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl Radical Scavenging Activity”, Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol. 32, Issue 1, pp 85 – 90, ISSN: 0971-1627, E-ISSN: 2456-4311
Sawant Pooja and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2022, “FT-IR Analysis of
stem, leaf and callus of
Ceropegia bulbosa
Roxb. var.
”. Bioinfolet, 19 (1): 46 – 50.
Dongre Seema V. and
Arvind S. Dhabe,
2022, Morphometric study of
species from Maharashtra, India, Herbal Medicinal Wealth: Utilization with Conservation, Rajarshi Prakashan Udgir, pages 144 – 148.
Sawant Pooja and
Arvind S. Dhabe
, 2022, “In-Vitro propagation of
Ceropegia bulbosa
Roxb. var.
”. Herbal Medicinal Wealth: Utilization with Conservation, Rajarshi Prakashan Udgir, pages 170 – 176.
S. S. Bhosale, D. G. Jagtap, R. S. Bhosale, S. M. Khandare, A. S. Dhabe, 2022, “Identification of Some Genera of Family Cucurbitaceae based on Characters of Seeds”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT), Volume 2, Issue 6, April 2022, ISSN (Online) 2581-9429,
Singh S. S., Thockchom J., Thockchom R., Devi M. H.,
Dhabe A. S.
and Singh P. K., 2022, “Essential oilsof Elsholtzia genus and good cultivation practices of
Elsholtzia communis
(Collet and Hemsl.) Diels.” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol. 11, Issue 9 (1), pages 116 – 128.
Pratiksha G. Jogdand, Srushti S. Kale and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2022, “Leaf venation in some species of genus
L.” Bioinfolet, 19 (4): 428 – 431.
Rohini Chaudhari, Anil Kakde, Ashwini Kharat and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2022, “Phytochemical analysis of
Terminalia tomentosa
(Roxb). Wight & Arn.” Bioinfolet, 19 (4): 432 – 434.
Kishor Paikrao and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2022, “Phytochemical analysis of
Tephrosia pentaphylla
(Roxb.) G. Don.” Bioinfolet, 19 (4): 435 – 437.
Pooja S. Sawant and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2023, “HRLC-MS analysis of tuber and callus of
Ceropegia bulbosa
Roxb. var.
” Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 12 (2): 40 – 43.
Kishor C. Paikrao and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2023, “HRLC-MS analysis of
Tephrosia purpurea
(L.) Pers.” Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 12 (2): 80 – 83.
Gitte Tukaram and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2023, “Anatomical investigations in
Tephrosia pentaphylla
(Roxb.) G. Don”, World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, ISSN 2454-2229, Vol. 9, Issue 6, pp 57-61.
Gitte Tukaram and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2023, “Anatomical investigation on
Tephrosia candida
(Roxb.) G. DC.”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN-2349-5162, Volume 10, issue 04, pp f116 – f126.
Chaudhari Rohini S. and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2023, “Phytochemical studies on Bark and Leaves of
Terminalia muelleri
Benth.” Bioinfolet, 20 (2A): 258 - 261
Shekade Pratiksha P., Rohini S. Pundge, Sumedh S. Chavan and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2023, “Phytochemical profile of
Alysicarpus hamosus
Edgew. as derived by HRLC Technique” Bioinfolet, 20 (2A): 262 – 265.
Chavan Sumedh S., Pratiksha P. Shekade, Rohini S. Pundge and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2023, “Morphological and Phytochemical studies on
Alysicarpus gracilis
Edgew. and
Alysicarpus bupleurifolius
(L.) DC” Bioinfolet, 20 (2A): 266 – 273.
Pundge Rohini , Ayura A. Dhabe, Seema V. Dongre, Ishvar M.Maraskole and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2023, “Phytochemical analysis of Alysicarpus scariosus Graham”. Bioinfolet, 20 (3B): 618 – 621.
Borah Manasjyoti, Chavan Sumedh, Shekade Pratiksha and Dhabe Arvind, 2024,” HRLC-MS analysis of Apong starter culture (E’pob): The starter cake used for the preparation of traditional rice beer of the Mising tribe of Assam, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 13(2): 810-813.
Baspalli Vidya, Chavan Sumedh, Shekade Pratiksha and Dhabe Arvind, 2024, “Phytochemical analysis of stem extract of
Cynanchum viminale
L., by HRLC-MS analysis”, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 13(2): 814-817.
Al-Seragy Ibrahim and Arvind S. Dhabe, 2023, “Cancer treatment in ancient Arab-Islamic Medicine” Communicated to Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies.
Dr. Shrikant B. Mane
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Sherkar, D. K.,
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Shrikant B. Bhosale, Subhash B. Pawar,
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Subhash B Pawar.,
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, Shrikant B. Bhosale and Ashok M. Chavan, (2016) Isolation and Identification of Field Bulb Fungal Pathogen from (Allium cepa L.) in Maharashtra, Asian Journal of Science and Technology. 07 (08): 3387-3389. ISSN: 0976-3376. I.F: 4.50: 6.35
Mane, Shrikant B
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Mane S. B
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Shrikant B. Mane
, Jadhao A. S., Kate A. S., Dhandge and S. R., Damare N. D. (2019) Antibacterial Activity of Some Medicinally Important Plant Leaf Extract. International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research ISSN 2394-7780 pp 319-322. I.F: 7.36.
F. A. Saif, S. A. Yaseen, A.S. Alameen,
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and P. B. Undre (2020) FTIR Spectroscopy and Microscopy as Methods for Identification and Discrimination of Penicillium Species of Fruit. AIP Conference Proceedings 2244, 020002.
F A Saif, S A Yaseen, A S Alameen,
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F.A. Saif, S.A. Yaseen, A.S. Alameen,
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Musale, G.P. and
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Patil T. V., Pangrikar P. P. and
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Ajai R. Gaisamudre and
Shrikant B. Mane
(2020), GENETIC IMPROVEMENT OF GLYCINE MAX L. MERRILL (SOYABEAN) BY MUTATION BREEDING, Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Volume-55, No.2 (IV), pp – 193-200, ISSN: 0025-0422,
Vishal Hiwale, Abhishek Raut, Kharade Rahul, and
Shrikant B. Mane
(2021) Different Agricultural Wastes as Substrates for Growth and Production of
Pleurotus florida
, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Volume 9 Issue X, pp. 835-841, ISSN: 2321-9653; www.ijraset.com, IC Value: 45.98; SJ I. F.: 7.429.
Abhishek Raut, Kharade Rahul, Vishal Hiwale, and
Shrikant B. Mane
(2021) Biological efficiency and Yield of
Pleurotus sajar-caju
on Different Agricultural Wastes, Science Technology and Development, Volume X Issue XI, pp 121-127, ISSN: 0950-0707, I.F: 6.1.
Pallavi Gawai, Ajay Zinzade, Radha Ghuge, and
Shrikant B. Mane
(2021) Biosynthesis of Gold Nanoparticles from Fungi, Journal NX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal VOLUME 7, ISSUE 11, pp. 24-32, ISSN No: 2581 – 4230, I.F: 7.223.
Ajay zinjade, Pallavi Gawai, Radha Ghuge and
Shrikant B. Mane
(2021) Identification and Characterization of Fusarium Species Associated with Soil, Seed, and Fruit, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume 9, Issue 11, ISSN: 2320-2882, I.F: 7.223.
Snehal Prakash Magar, Arvind Dhabe, Geeta Patil, Shrikant Mane and Amar Waghule (2021) Study of growth of
Pleurotus Sajo-rkaju
(Oyster Mushroom) on different Agricultural substrates, Int. J. of Life Sciences, 9 (3):326-329. ISSN:2320-7817(p), 2320-964X(o). SJIF 6.29
Bharat Chavan, Prashant Pangrikar and Shrikant Mane (2021) Cultivation of
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Vaibhav D Misal, Sunaina S Davane and Shrikant B Mane (2021) Improvement of yield in
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Shrikant B. Mane and Nagnath V. Kolhe (2023) MUSHROOM CULTIVATION: MOST PROFITABLE BUSINESS, International Journal of Scientific Development and Research. Volume 8 Issue 9, 691-694, ISSN: 2455-2631. I.F: 8.15.
Yogesh N Anande, Pragati K Raut, Ajay S Zinjade and Shrikant B Mane (2018) Production of citric acid from different Aspergillus species obtained from soil, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(02), pp. 2008-2018