Pattern of CET

Pattern of CET

Msc. (Biochemistry):

Syllabus for CET

Students those who are seeking admission to M.Sc. Biochemistry in the Department have to go through the CET Examination.The final merit list of provisionally selected candidates will be prepared based on 50% Marks from Qualifying Degree Score and 50% Marks from CET Score. The students appeared in Final Year (B.Sc. / B.E. / B. Tech.) or previously passed are eligible for CET Examination. Syllabus for examination: Existing syllabus of B.Sc. I, II and III year Chemistry of this University, Equal weightage will be given to Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry courses along with few questions from Analytical Chemistry.

Exam Pattern of CET

CET question paper is of 100 marks on multiple choice questions of one our duration.
