
Facilities Available


The Herbarium:

Herbarium is a place where dried plant specimens are stored. It was established in the year 1969 by Dr. V. N. Naik, the pioneer Taxonomist of this region. It was initiated with the flowering plants of Osmanabad district and later on collections from all over India have been incorporated. The Herbarium of the Department harbours almost each and every species from Marathwada region. At present it has more than 100000 specimens and 57 type specimens. It has collections from foreign countries either on donation or exchange basis, like Brazil, England, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Austria, South Africa, The Netherlands etc. This is internationally recognized and its acronym is “BAMU”. It has special collection of Medicinal plants, Family Cyperaceae, Asteraceae, genus Chlorophytum, Alysicarpus, Terminalia, Tephrosia, etc. 57 new plants have been described by the scholars from this Herbarium. It is a comprehensive collection of plants and has developed as a centre of reference for taxonomists. The University has sanctioned a special grant of 6 lakh for the development and maintenance of herbarium which represents biodiversity. This is one of the largest Herbarium among Indian Universities.


The museum is rather small but it is in budding stage. It harbours plant species of botanical importance. These plant specimens are kept in the museum for general observation as well as for class work material.

Microbial Culture Collection

The principally act as service collection performs basic functions as core activities, viz., collecting, isolating of different microbes and its strains from different localities of Marathwada,  verification, preservation & maintenance, deposit & accession, distribution of authentic fungal strains and associated information and cataloguing. Marinating Plant Disease Herbaria and More than 300 fungal members. The facility is well equipped and offers various services, like identification, deposit & accession, and supply of authentic fungal strains to academia. 

Botanic Garden:

The botanic garden forms an important part of the department covering an area about 40 acres.

The garden has a unique collection of 800 species brought and cultivated from all over the India. It included a collection of many rare and endangered species like Psilotum, Agathis etc. Botanically it is largest garden in Indian Universities and has been recognized by Botanical survey of India (BSI) and enlisted in the directory of Indian Botanic Gardens. It is useful for teaching and research in the department. It is divided in three parts viz.,

a)The departmental garden which harbours several tree, shrubs, gymnosperms and aquatics of botanical interest.

b)Formal garden or central oval is based on model of Vrindavan Garden Mysore. This basically is garden of Public Interest. However there is section of Plants with 15 species. Both these gardens are spread over 22 acres of land.

c)Important noteworthy features of the garden are:

  • Arboretum 8 acres
  • a) Tree 210 Species
  • b) Palms 15 Species
  • c) Gymonsperms 12 Species


  1. Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry Laboratory
  2. Molecular Biology Laboratory
  3. Mushroom Cultivation Laboratory
  4. Microbial Culture Laboratory
  5. Seed pathology and Fungal Biotechnology Laboratory
  6. Computer Laboratory
  7. Plant Physiology Laboratory
  8. Cytogenetics Laboratory
  9. Cytogenetics Research Laboratory
  10. Plant Pathology Laboratory
  11. Taxonomy Laboratory
  12. Taxonomy Research Laboratory
  13. Tissue culture Laboratory
  14. M. Sc Previous Laboratory
  15. Physiology research Laboratory

Major Equipments

  • PCR
  • Soxhlet Extractor
  • Shaker
  • Tray dryer Oven
  • Hot air oven
  • Hot plate
  • Spectrophotometer
  • Microcentrifuge
  • Autoclave
  • Refrigerator
  • Muffle furnish Distilation Unit
  • Green crop fractionation lab
  • Inoculation and Incubation lab
  • Incubator
  • Laminar Air flow
  • Microscope
  • Dissecting Microscope
  • Refrigerators
  • Harbrium Pressing Machine
  • Cooling Incubator
  • Distilation Unit
  • Cooling Incubator
  • Cooling Centrifuge
  • Deep refrigerator
  • Plant growth chamber
  • Seed germinator