About Department

About Department:

Department of Economics is one of the first two teaching and research departments that was established in the same year of the establishment of the University. Form beginning the Department attracted good number of students and the main source of attraction was the leadership provided by Dr. V. V. Borkar, the first Head of the Department of Economics. He not only encouraged research activity but himself undertook certain research projects mainly relating to problems of regional development of Marathwada.

The department of Economics was identified by the UGC for implementing two consecutive phases of the University Leadership Programme during 1982 to 1988. The UGC had sanctioned Special Assistance Programme to the Department of Economics in 1987 for five years in the first instance and in 1992 for second instance. The UGC further sanctioned Special Assistance Programme to the Department of Economics since 2006-2007 in the first phase and second phase was sanctioned for the period 2013-2018 (Rs. 60.0 Lacs).

The department of Economics took the lead to seek the award of Centre with Potential for Excellence status from the UGC in collaboration with the departments of political science and sociology.

The award of status of centre with potential for excellence to our University is the result of the Special Assistance Programme activities carried out in the department of Economics. It is also the result of the contribution that the Departments of Economics, Political Science and Sociology have made to the research related to rural development till today.

The main objective of UGC's centre with potential for excellence scheme is to encourage and facilitate the chosen departments to collaborate in interdisciplinary research work.

Centre with Potential for Excellence in Particular Area (CPEPA):

“Rural Development in Backward Districts of Marathwada”

            The University Grants Commission has approved status of Centre with Potential for Excellence in Particular Area (CPEPA) to Dr. Babasasheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. The main objective of the UGC’s CPEPA scheme is to encourage and facilitate the chosen departments at the selected university to work together in a particular area by associating their faculty members to cooperate and collaborate in their programmes and activities on regular basis, cutting across departmental and discipline barriers. The university grants commission has sanctioned Rs. 2.50 crore for five years (2016-21) to establish the centre in “Rural Development in Backward Districts of Marathwada” at university campus. Total 11 Research Projects were granted to faculty members from Economics, Sociology and Political Science Departments of the University and 16 Research Papers were Published based on this project.

NIEPA - Warwick Project

NIEPA - Warwick Project : " Widening Access to Higher Education (2023-2026)" Grant Sanctioned Rs. 2.5 Crore

            The Warwick NIEPA project is an incredible initiative aimed at widening access to higher education in India. This collaborative research project between the University of Warwick and NIEPA (National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration) focuses on institutional approaches to increase accessibility. The project explores various aspects, including Feasibility Studies and Program Evaluations, to understand how to better support students from diverse backgrounds. By examining the current higher education landscape, the project identifies barriers and develops strategies to promote inclusivity.

            Six state universities from all over India have been selected for the project of which Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University is one.  Dr Dhanashri Mahajan is leading the team from the University and Dr Krutika Khandare from the Department of economics and Dr Vishnu Patil from Deogiri College are members of the team.

Department and SAP DRS - II Conferences / Seminars :

Month & Year

Title of Conference

8-10 January, 2010

International workshop

The Use and Abuse of Econometrics'

16-18 December, 2014

National Conference

74th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics in Collboration with Department of Economics (SAP- DRS-II), Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University

19 December, 2014

National Seminar

Role of Agriculture and Cooperation for Rural Development

21-23, January 2016

International conference

Climate Change and Rural Development


National Seminar

Confronting Development: Perspectives on Marathwada


International Conference

Development of Marathwada: Opportunities and Challenges

17-18 February, 2020

National Conference on the Occasion of Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the Est. of Department of Economics

Rural Development in Backward Regions of India


Outcome of Diamond Jubilee Celebration National Conference:

            The Department published two volumes of selected research papers presented in the National Conference on ' Rural Development in Backward Regions of India' on the Occasion of Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the Est. of Department of Economics on 17-18 February, 2020.

Maharashtratil Krishi Va Grameen Vikas: Ek Chintan, (edited), Kailash Publications, ISBN 978-81-949560-0-6. (Marathi).

Agricultural and Rural Development in Backward Regions of India, (edited), Kailash Publications, ISBN 978-81-949560-9-9. (English).

CPEPA Conferences / Seminars:

Month & Year

Title of Conference


National Seminar

Confronting Development: Perspectives on Marathwada


International Conference

Development of Marathwada: Opportunities and Challenges


National Symposium

Changing Dimensions of Regional Imbalance in India


National Seminar

Policy Initiatives and Their Impact on Development of Marathwada


Online National Webinar

District  Planning for Tapping Development Potential


Online National Conference

Appropriate Technology for Rural Development

Outcome of CPEPA


Books / Conference Volumes


Development of Marathwada: Opportunities and Challenges


Policy Initiatives and Their Impact on Development of Marathwada


District  Planning for Tapping Development Potential


Appropriate Technology for Rural Development

(Proceedings Published in Online Journal) https://knowledgeresonance.com/index.php/special-issue-10/

Unique Features

  • Beneficiary of University Leadership Programme (1982-87) and
  • Special Assistance Programme (1987-97 and 2007-12) of UGC
  • Annex building under SAP
  • Planning Forum – An independent platform for students
  • Computer laboratory with internet facility
  • Departmental library
  • Four Study / Research Centers
  • Experienced & specialized teaching staff
  • Administrative support to University by faculty
  • Organization of seminar/conference every year
  • Representation of faculty members in almost all committees and Authorities of University
  • Contributed for economic development of Marathwada region


The department of Economics was identified by the UGC for implementing two consecutive phases of the University Leadership Programme during 1982 to 1988

UGC had granted the Department Special Assistance Programme (SAP) in 1987 for five years in the first instance and in 1992 for second instance

UGC has further sanctioned an amount of  Rs. 24 Lacs under SAP to this Department for the period 2007-2012

UGC has further sanctioned an amount of  Rs. 60 Lacs under SAP to this Department for the period 2012-2017

UGC has Granted Centre with Potential for Excellence in Particular Area (CPEPA) sanctioned an amount of  Rs. 2.50 crore: to this Department for the period 2016-2021.

NIEPA - Warwick Project : " Widening Access to Higher Education (2023-2026)" Grant Sanctioned Rs. 2.5 Crore

Social awareness and extracurricular activities for students

Department organizes following activities:

  1. Blood donation camp
  2. Library orientation of M A students
  3. NSS, sports activities
  4. Essay writing & Debate competitions
  5. Involvement in group discussions & seminars
  6. Presentation by students on Union and State budgets every year
  7. Students edit a wall-mount journal on current economic issues every year
  8. Educational tour and visit to various research organizations and educational institutions in the country every year

Inception of Tarabai Shinde Women's Studies Center

            In 2005, the Department took the initiative to incept Tarabai Shinde Women's Studies Center under the Leadership of Economist Dr. Wandana Sonalkar.  The initiative was successful and the center Independently runs MA Programme and one PG Certificate Course in Women's Studies and has been recognized by the UGC since 2009.



