Research Related Articles

Research Related Articles

Dr. A. S. Pawar

1.   The Maluki Banjaran: A True Warrior Queen Of Banjara Society -   Dr. Ashok Shankarao Pawar


Banjaras have a unique culture of their own and spread all over the country. Banjara is one of the indigenous tribes of India. There are diverse opinions about the origin of Banjaras but from the language, dressing pattern, clans, and culture one comes to know that they belong to Rajasthan. The identity of the community is unique due to its culture. There seems to be an impact of modernization and globalization on the age-old culture of the tribe. It is very difficult to state the accurate history of the tribe. Its history goes back to about five hundred years. It is an ethnic nomadic tribe with rich cultural heritage. Being the richest country in the world, we used to call India the golden bird it is true that the Banjaras have contributed a lot to it. The paper focuses on the golden legend of Maluki Banjaran is a true warrior queen of banjara society. The use of history of the Malluki Das has been as a freedom fighter, a role model in different contexts and a symbol, as well as an inspirational source of women empowerment. There is also a political use of the Malluki Das.

KEYWORDS: Banjara, Spirituality, Malluki Das, Non-violent, Copper Plate.


2. Acharya Kotilya : NEP20 Towards the Indian Knowledge System  - Dr. Ashok Shankarao Pawar


More than 75 years have passed since India got independence. However, the sustainable development and higher education rates of some castes and tribes in India are disappointing. It is a matter of concern that some backward tribes are today struggling to achieve their sustainable development and increase the rate of higher education. In this research paper, India's sustainable development and Indian knowledge system has been reviewed.

Keywords:- Indian Knowledge System, Kautilya, NSP 2020, Education Policy.


Dr. D. J. Mahajan

Revealed Comparative Advantage from Trade among SAARC Countries: An Empirical Analysis Authors Sneha Pandit Jadhav, Dr. Dhanashri J. Mahajan 

 Abstract:  The analysis of comparative advantage has been undertaken using the Balassa (1965) index of revealed comparative advantage for six digit level of HS classification. This study analyses the competitiveness and the pattern of trade flows from India to SAARC member countries.  Regional integration in SAARC has significantly affected trade patterns, comparative advantage and competitiveness. In the light of evidence, some policy implications are drawn.

Keywords: Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Trade, Specialization, Competitiveness, Balassa Index

Dr. S. S. Narwade:

1. Agricultural Growth Analysis – A Study of Maharashtra State  - Dr. Sunil Sheshrao Narwade


            The present paper attempts to analyze agricultural growth of principle crops in Maharashtra state of India during the pre- and post-reform period up to 2009-10. The agricultural performance was evaluated on the basis of estimates of compound annual growth rates and coefficients of variation of area, production and yields per hectare of principal crops in Maharashtra state. The study found that total foodgrains production which decelerated during the early post-reform period over pre-reform period, picked up during later post-reform period. The output instability in total foodgrains remained low during all the periods under study. The output growth rate of wheat maize and sugarcane crops has accelerated during the post-reform periods mainly due to area expansion. In pulses arhar and gram improved output growth performance during post-reform periods. But the coarse cereals like bajra,  small millets and ragi have registered dismal output performance during the post-reform periods due to loss of area.

Key Words – Pulses Growth, Cereals production, Foodgrains Growth, Maharashtra agriculture


2. Impact of Monetary Policy on Bank Credit since Reforms Period -  Mahendra R. Mishra1* and Sunil S. Narwade2


Does Bank Rate, Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) affect the bank credit? This question always comes in the mind of researchers, economist, academicians, and policymakers and to get the answer to it, many research activities and projects are carried out by them. This study is also on the same line. The study intends to examine the impact of monetary policy on bank credit since reforms period. The study uses multiple regression models to test the selected banking variables by using the time series data collected from RBI. The study found that there is an inverse relationship between CRR and bank credit, SLR and bank credit but there is no association between bank rate by RBI and bank credit by the scheduled commercial banks in India since reforms period.

Keywords: Bank credit, bank rate, cash reserve ratio, statutory liquidity ratio


3. Access To Government Health Facilities In Marathwada: A Case Study Of Tribal Women - Manisha Dhanedhar and Sunil S. Narwade


            The present paper is an attempt to study the availability of health facilities to tribal women in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, India. It was observed that majority of the tribal women were unaware of the various schemes for pregnant women. Majority of the pregnant tribal women were not regularly visited by health staff. There is a need of spread of awareness of the government schemes among tribal women through education and mass awareness programmes. It is essential that nurses and other health workers should live in villages where primary health centres are located.

Key Words: Janani suraksha yojana (JNY), NRHM, tribal health,

JEL classification: H55, H75, I14, I18

4. Pattern of Scheduled Castes Employment in Rural Maharashtra - Sunil Narwade

To Cite this Article

Sunil Narwade (2023). Pattern of Scheduled Castes Employment in Rural Maharashtra. Indian Journal of Global

Economics and Business, 2: 1, pp. 1-22.

Abstract: The present study is an attempt to find out link between caste and employment in rural Maharashtra. The primary data was collected through schedule from 253 rural households of different social groups from all six divisions in Maharashtra. The study found differences among various social groups in access to land and employment. The scheduled castes were landless, depended upon farm and non-farm casual unskilled low wage mployment and fewer in farm and non-farm selfemployment. Government land or common land should be distributed among landless scheduled castes agricultural labourers on priority basis. There should be establishment of industries in rural areas to create skilled jobs. Giving access to credit and encouraging self-employment activities among scheduled castes can be an important initiative.

Keywords: Caste, Gender Discrimination, Land Holdings, Rural Employment

JEL Codes: J31, J71, Q15


5Patterns of Employment in Rural Marathwada  - Sunil Narwade


            The present study is an attempt to find out the patterns of rural employment in Marathwada. The total 287 households from twelve villages of six districts of Marathwada were selected for the collection of primary data to find out the patterns of rural employment in Marathwada. The study used descriptive statistics for the purpose of data analysis. To find out the statistical difference in land holdings, pattern of employment among various social groups the chi-square test (5 % significance level) is used. The multinomial regression analysis is used to analyse determinants of pattern of employment in rural Marathwada. The study found high significant differences among various social groups in case of access to land, employment pattern in rural Marathwada and caste, landholdings are the significant determinants of employment pattern in rural Marathwada. Most of the Scheduled castes were landless and depended upon farm and non-farm casual wage employment. Migration was also relatively high among scheduled castes for casual employment. To augment the operational holdings of small and marginal farmers, the process of land lease in and lease out should be eased. The government land or common land should be made available to landless scheduled castes on prioirity basis. Giving access to credit and encouraging self-employment activities in partnership with other social group members can be an important initiative to generate non-farm self-employment among scheduled castes.

Keywords: Rural Landlessness, Farm Casual Employment, Non-Farm Casual Employment, Non-Farm Self Employment, Rural Migration


6. Children And Women Malnutrition Among Scheduled Tribes In Marathwada (Maharashtra) - Dhanedhar Manisha Eknathrao1 and S. S. Narwade

ABSTRACT: This paper presents nutritional and health status of women and children with an objectives to assess the effect of this on nutritional condition of children and causal correlation with them. The research study is based on a sample of 240 tribal women with their 316, 05 years old children to analyses the nutritional level. The malnutrition proportion of children has indicated a strong correlation with the mothers having low BMI and marriage age and positive association with mother education level. The study also found relationship between breastfeeding practices & nutrition level of tribal children.

KEYWORDS: Tribal Women, Children Malnutrition, Tribal Malnutrition.


Dr. P. V. Deshmukh:

 1. The Causal Relationship Between Stock Prices And The Demand For Money In Saudi Arabia  - Dr. P. V. DESHMUKH



The aim of the research is to test the causal relationship between stock prices and the demand for money in Saudi Arabia during (1985-2019). The ARDL method was used to test the existence of a relationship between variables in the long run, in addition to testing the existence of causality between variables using Granger causality. The results showed a positive relationship between stock prices and the demand for money in Saudi Arabia. Granger's causality showed that there is no causality between stock prices and the demand for money in both directions. This result differs from previous studies due to the difference in data and measures used. The results emphasized the importance of not ignoring this variable when estimating the demand for money function because it will lead to biased results. The researcher recommends conducting a study for the same variables used in this research using other scales.

KEYWORDS: Stock, Demand for Money, ARDL & Granger Causality


2.  Determinants of the Profitability of Insurance Companies in Saudi Arabia - Mohammed Abduljalil Alshadadi1,2*, P. V. Deshmukh3


             The study aims to identify the determinants of profitability in Saudi insurance companies. For this purpose, the data were collected about the study variables (company size, debt ratio, loss ratio, retention ratio, investment income) as independent variables. To measure its impact on the profitability of insurance companies, expressed as return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). Using Panel Data for 25 insurance companies in Saudi Arabia during (2010-2016), the random-effects model (REM) was used to examine the relationship between the profitability of insurance companies and the independent variables. The study concluded that the profitability of insurance companies is significantly associated with the size of the insurance company, debt ratio, and the rate of actual loss. The results also showed that the volume of written premiums is the most influential variable on the profitability of insurance companies, followed by the indebtedness rate and then the actual loss.

Keywords: Insurance, profitability, panel data, random effects.


Dr. C. N. Kokate

1. Analysis Of Recent Trends And Patterns Of Social Sector Expenditure In India: Special Reference To Health And Education

Gunwant Gadbade1 and Chandrakant Kokate2

ABSTRACT: Considering country’s demographic dividend of a largest young population in the working age class, progress in social infrastructure such as education, health services, are needed for improvement in both quality of life and productivity of the economy. The levels of public expenditure

on social sector services indicate the commitment of the government towards social sector development. The recent government reports and data claims that, the public expenditure in social sector has increased. In this context in the current paper we made an attempt to analyse the recent

trends of public expenditure on education, health and social sector and its composition. We found that in recent years the public expenditure in social sector and health has increased gradually, but decreased in sector. It reveals that the Indian states are incurring highest spending on revenue account and the capital expenditure constitutes very small portion of total expenditure on education, health and social sectors.

KEYWORDS: Public expenditure on social sector, Health, Education, Human Development, Composition of public expenditure on social sector.

JEL CL AS SIFICATION: Health, Education and Society, Public Economics, Development Economics, Welfare Economics.

2. Gender Imbalance in India: Causes and Emerging Issues - Chandrakant N. Kokate

Abstract: The provisional data of 2011 Census has once again highlighted the problem of severe sex imbalance in the country, especially in 0-6 age group. According to Census of 2011, the sex ratio in 0-6 year’s age group has declined to 914 females per 1000 males as compared to 927 in 2001. It shows an increasing trend of male preference as compared to female in the last decade. The phenomenon of son preference is coupled with death of young females due to lack of medical care, under nutrition, female infanticide, and sex selective abortions. Sen (1992, 2003) first addressed the disturbing trend by

highlighting that millions of females in India are missing because of widespread neglect in health care, nutrition and prenatal care. The steep decline in sex ratio in northern and western states is a cause of worry. Technological developments permitting sex-selective abortions have seriously aggravated sex imbalance in these states. The trend of rapid decline in sex ratio has given rise to serious social, demographic and cultural problems. This present paper attempts to explain the causes for gender imbalance and its implications on the society as a whole.

KEYWORDS: Sex-ratio, Nutrition, Son-preference, Selective abortions, Health care

Dr. K. V. Khandare

Negotiating Scarcity: Water Management in Draught Affected Marathwada

Abstract:     The present paper deals with the agricultural strategies employed by the farmers in the region, that have immensely helped them to make their farming more productive when other farmers in the region have struggled to achieve it for years. It is observed that there are certain farmers who with their systematic planning, management of land and water have been successful in gaining outstanding crop and fruit production even in drought conditions. It is essential for us to concentrate on the farmers and their ways of doing agriculture. The main objective of present research is to evaluate the agricultural management of successful farmers in drought affected Marathwada region in Maharashtra state.. The primary data of 200 farmers is collected. And it was found from the survey that water, land, crop and market management with the proper knowledge is essential to solve the problem of scarcity of resources.  Economic analysis of solar energy technology in rural Marathwada - Dr. Krutika Khandare  Abstract: The main objective of present research is to workout the benefit cost analysis of solar energy technology in Marathvada and to assess the operational problems faced by the solar energy technology adaptors. The study is confirmed 800 household using solar technology from Osmanabad from maradwara region in Maharashtra state. A questionnaire was administrated for collecting the primary data from the chosen household. The three investment criteria name limit present value npv benefit cost ratio(BCR) and pay back period PBP we are used to judge the sun is of investment from the economic point of view. It is found from the data that solar plant is economically visible at 10% discount rate because at this rate NTV - 145.14 is positive and BCR 1.0032 is greater than one. The payback period of plant is 5 years. That means investments in such plants can be fully recovered in a period of 5 years. In order to determine internal rate of return different trial wear taken and IR is found at 10.074% discom rate.


