HOD's Desk


Dr.Prashant Pagare

Dr. Prashant Pagare

Associate Professor & Head

Phone No. :(office) 0240-2403370
Department Phone No. :0240-2403370
Mobile No. :9307303417
e-mail :head.education@bamu.ac.in

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Welcome to the Department of Education, where we are committed to the growth and development of teacher Educators. It is our wish that every student who comes to the Department of Education leaves with an experience that is intriguing, inspiring and wholesome. Consequently, members of the department strive to develop pivotal skills and knowledge among educators who will in turn ignite curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking in their learners.

Department is playing its significant role in implementing the vision of National Education Policy 2020 by engaging and organizing various activities and programs envisioned in the policy. The policy's revolutionary vision embodies an India built upon the pillars of justice, equity, affordability, and accessibility. It is our firm belief that education serves as the cornerstone of societal transformation, and through our innovative pedagogical approaches and research endeavors, we endeavor to empower the next generation of educators, thinkers, and policymakers.

As the head of this vital department, I am inspired by my colleagues and our students. I am proud of the ways that we as a department work individually and collectively to generate research that matters, and to produce and share knowledge that fulfilled to meet the demands of society at the Local, Regional and Global levels.

With Best wishes!