About Department

About Department

The Department of Environmental Science is one of the earliest Departments started in Indian Universities since 1985. The department of Environmental Science is unique having teaching staff all highly qualified specifically, M.Sc., Ph.D. and NET-SET qualifications in Environmental Science having field experiences and expertise in number of fields like Ecology, Biodiversity, Environmental Legislation, Industrial Pollution Control, Environmental Statistics, Energy Resources, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology, Disaster Management, Water and Wastewater treatment technology, Air pollution control technology, Industrial safety, EIA, CDM, Sustainable Development, Solid & Hazardous Waste management, Remote sensing & GIS, Green Technology etc. The department is also running Environmental Consultancy laboratory and extending consultancy services to various industries, institutions etc.

The Department has full-fledged Teaching faculty along with CHB faculties for running regular M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Environmental Science on Full Grant basis which is unique support for P.G. in Environmental Science in the State. The department is having its own state of art facilities and has access to the latest facilities and laboratories in the field of environment for all sort of environmental research. The Department is most active with dynamic staff promoting many extracurricular and Co-Curricular activities along with the academic and outreach activities.

Research activities in the department are multidimensional and need based emphasizing the industrial need and social problems focused in depth considering the society and common man's sufferings to be resolved. The departmental staffs have conducted many research activities with the support from various funding agencies like UGC, MOEFCC, DST, DBT, ICSSR, BRNS, CSIR through Minor/Major research projects etc with different funding agencies and research organizations like B.A.R.C., Government of Maharashtra etc. etc.

Research activities in the department are multidimensional and need based emphasizing the industrial need and social problems focused in depth considering the society and common man's sufferings to be resolved. The departmental staffs have conducted many research activities with the support from various funding agencies like UGC, MOEFCC, DST, DBT, ICSSR, BRNS, CSIR through Minor/Major research projects etc with different funding agencies and research organizations like B.A.R.C. Government of Maharashtra etc.

The course of M.Sc. Environmental Science is designed as per the present needs of industrial and Professional consultancy services, development of administrative, management and academic skills and at par with NET/SET syllabi. The department has been approved for academic flexibility which has made it possible to modify the syllabi contents and reframe from time to time after every 2-3 years considering the need of time and demand from industries to incorporate recent developments and new trends in the subjects. Audio-visual teaching aids, Smart boards and internet are routinely used for class room teaching and routine practical for all. Apart from the academic curricula the students are assigned field trips, excursions, and industrial visits and special in-plant training in industries. The students are encouraged for research through the projects as a part of partial fulfillment of M.Sc. Degree course. The students are also given exposure to seminars, short-term trainings and guest lectures by eminent environmentalist. The faculty promotes the interest of the student to enrich their knowledge and involvement in the subject.

The Department offers the services in the sectors like Drinking water, Packaged water, Waste water, Industrial effluents analysis. trace metal analysis, Microbial analysis for portability, Ambient air quality monitoring, Ecology and Biodiversity studies, Work place monitoring, Soil and sludge analysis, MSW/ hazardous waste analysis, Eco-toxicology studies, Treatability and feasibility studies. EIA, Environmental Audit etc, Consultancy services for environmental laboratory set-up, In-plant training for educational institutes, environmental professionals and company executive, Development of Environmental cell for Municipal Corporation. Department also offers value added course on fire prevention and fire fighting of 30 contact hours . Environmental consultancy and laboratory is committed for providing environmental services. Department of Environmental Science, a confluence of environmental experts, ecologists, geologists, environmental analytical and monitoring professionals offers ETP/ STP/WTP project consultancy and environmental laboratory services. The Department also undertakes research and consultancy projects.

The Department offers the services in the sectors like Drinking water, Packaged water, Waste water, Industrial effluents analysis. trace metal analysis, Microbial analysis for portability, Ambient air quality monitoring, Ecology and Biodiversity studies, Work place monitoring, Soil and sludge analysis, MSW/ hazardous waste analysis, Eco-toxicology studies, Treatability and feasibility studies. EIA, Environmental Audit etc, Consultancy services for environmental laboratory set-up, In-plant training for educational institutes, environmental professionals and company executive, Development of Environmental cell for Municipal Corporation. Department also offers value added course on fire prevention and fire fighting of 30 contact hours . Environmental consultancy and laboratory is committed for providing environmental services. Department of Environmental Science, a confluence of environmental experts, ecologists, geologists, environmental analytical and monitoring professionals offers ETP/ STP/WTP project consultancy and environmental laboratory services. The Department also undertakes research and consultancy projects.

The Department has very rich history of staff and Alumni members who are pioneer in various branches of research and administration at various levels. The alumni members of this department are presently working at International and National levels in various fields like Education, Industry, Banking sectors, Agriculture, Medical, Central and State government services. Most of the alumni are working as key persons in Education field, Pollution Control Board, NGO's, Industries in India and abroad and in the field of Environmental Consultancies. The employment percentage of the students beside their self employment firms like consultancies is about 98%. The students from foreign countries also get admitted to M.Sc as well as Ph.D course since last 39 years.

The department has so far produced more than 500 post graduates and at about 80 Ph.D. Scholars. The major domains of research activities are in the areas of Environmental monitoring, Environmental Managements, Water and Air Pollution modeling, Waste Water Treatment, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, under water quality testing, LCA, EIA, Wild life, Energy studies, Ecology, Hydrobiology and Limnology, Toxicology, RS, GIS and its applications, Disaster Management, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Microbiology etc. The departmental faculty have published more than 500 research papers in International & National reputed peer reviewed journals with high impact factor (from 0.2105-6.94) with citation index. At Present, teaching faculties in the department are Prof. S.S.Patil, Prof. M.B. Mule, Prof. N. N. Bandela, Dr. B.L.Chavan, and Dr. Yogita L. Padme and many of the visiting faculties are sharing the responsibility of teaching.