

The Department of Environmental Science was established in June 1985 as a pioneer in the State and one of the beginners for M.Sc. Environmental Science course. Contributory teachers from Botany, Zoology, Industries etc. were invited to associate with departmental teaching. Initially the intake capacity of the department was 12, subsequently the number was increased to the tune of 32. Eminent teachers like Prof. R. Nagbhushanam, Prof. S.T. Talak, Prof. N. R. Rajderkar, Prof. B. N. Pande and Prof. Dr. S. B. Wagh were in association with teaching in the department. Many experienced experts in the field of environment from the state and the country like Dr. E.V. Mule from M.O.E.F. New Delhi, Dr. Raidu from T.P.C.B, Cheenai, Dr. Ramtake, from NEERI, Dr. Clwde Alvavis from Goa foundation., Dr. Bharat Nimbare from M.P.C.B. Mumbai, Dr. Pillai from Orchid chemicals, Cheenai, Dr. Khambe from Miraj, Prof. Naidu from Shri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati, Prof.Shashikumar from Jammu, Prof.Subbarao and Dr.Kameshwarao from Waltior, Prof. S. M. Reddy from Warangal, Prof. Manoharchary from Hyderabad, Prof. A.K.Jain from Gwalior, Prof. K.L.Tiwari from Raipur, Prof Gunale from Pune etc. are frequent visitors of the department as eminent resource persons.

The Department has very rich history of staff and Alumni members who are pioneer in various branches of research and administration at various levels. The alumni members of this department are presently working at International and National levels in various fields like Education, Industry, Banking sectors, Agriculture, Medical, Central and State government services. Most of the alumini are working as key persons in Education field, Pollution Control Board, NGO’s, Industries in India and abroad and in the field of Environmental Consultancies. The employment percentage of the students beside their self employment firms like consultancies is about 98%. The students from foreign countries also get admitted to M.Sc. as well as Ph.D. courses since last 20 years.

The department has so far produced more than 500 post graduates and at about 75 Ph.D. Scholars. The major domains of research activities are in the areas of Environmental monitoring, Environmental Managements, Water and Air Pollution modeling , Waste Water Treatment, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, under water quality testing, LCA, EIA, Wild life, Energy studies, Ecology, Hydrobiology and Limnology, Toxicology, RS, GIS and its applications, Disaster Management, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Microbiology etc. The departmental faculty have published more than 500 research papers in International & National reputed peer reviewed journals with high impact factor (from 0.2105-6.94) with citation index. At Present, teaching faculties in the department are Prof. N. N. Bandela Prof. M.B. Mule, Prof. S.S.Patil, Dr. B.L.Chavan, and Dr.(Mrs)Yogita Padme are sharing the responsibility of teaching.