Research Groups

Research Activity

The department of Environmental Science is actively involved in research activities, specifically faculties are working on various important environmental issues such as water, air, soil, and noise pollution. The pollution studies in and in vicinity of Aurangabad from Marathwada and other parts of India were carried out. The special attention has been given to study the solid waste related issues along with sustainable developmental issues and industrial environmental problem. The industrial waste water treatment and sewage related research work is being carried out. The resource study in which the wild life, forest, and energy resource related work was carried out..

The research projects related to the above mentioned areas were submitted to different funding agencies such as UGC , DST, BBT, MOEF, Govt.of Maharashtra and BNRS etc. Many projects were implemented successfully and some are ongoing and sanctioned. The output of some work in the field of solid waste management studies and industrial effluent treatment was patented by the faculty.

Overall the output of research work is useful to industry, Govt sectors and to the society. The department is giving consultancy services to the society and the industry. Departmental faculties are also published 12 books.