Research Papers/ Books/ Publications

Research Paper Publications :

Dr. N.N. Bandela


Amol B. Kale, N. N. Bandela & Jeetendra A. Kulkarni


Radiological and Chemo-Toxicological Risk Assessment of Naturally

Occurred Uranium in Ground Water from Aurangabad District of


International Journal of Environmental Science

Volume 3,

ISSN: 2367-8941




Sushama S. Darade & N. N. Bandela


Combined Treatment Method for the Remediation of Fe2+, PO4, SO4 and

NO3 from River Patalganga

Journal of Biological and chemical Chronicles

Volume 4 (2),

ISSN (Print): 2454 – 7468

ISSN (Online): 2454 - 7476




Mr. Onkar K. Jogdand & Dr. N.N.Bandela


Spatial Distribution of Air Quality Parameters Using Geographic Information System (GIS) of Aurangabad City.


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology,

Vol.7, No.5, E-ISSN: 2321-9637



Amol Kale,

Narsingrao Bandela &

Jeetendra Kulkarni



Assessment of chemo-radiological risk of naturally occurred uranium in groundwater from the Beed district, India.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry


Vol. 323 No. 1

Print ISSN 0236-5731

Online ISSN 1588-2780



 Amol Kale, Narsingrao Bandela, Jeetendra Kulkarni & Kishor Raut


 Factor analysis and spatial distribution of water quality parameters of Aurangabad District, India.

 Groundwater for Sustainable Development


Vol. 10 No. 1



Huchhe M. R, Mukkannawar U. S and Bandela N. N


Spatio-Temporal Drought Assessment of Marathwada Region.

Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Volume 8,

Issue 5



Amol Kale, Narsingrao Bandela & Jeetendra Kulkarni


Spatial distribution and risk assessment of naturally occurring uranium along with correlational study from Buldhana district of Maharashtra, India.


Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry


Volume 327, 

Print ISSN 0236-5731

Online ISSN 1588-2780

Vol. 10 No. 1




Amol Kale, Narsingrao Bandela, Jeetendra Kulkarni and Sunil kumar Sahoo


Hydrogeochemistry and multivariate statistical analysis of groundwater quality of hard rock aquifers from Deccan trap basalt in Western India.

Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer)

Volume 80, ISSUE 288 (2021).

Electronic ISSN


Print ISSN




Anita Sheshrao Ingle, Narsingrao Narayanswami Bandela


Assessment of the PM 2.5 and PM 10 Particulate

Concentration in Ambient Air of

Aurangabad City, India (M.S)


Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences.

Vol. 10, No. 1



M Huchhe, N Bandela


Marathwada agro-climatic drought detection by utilization of temperature and vegetation index records

Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research

(ISSN: 0719-372) 11(X)



Sudarshan Sangale1 & Dr. N. N. Bandela


Current Scenario and Challenges in Hazardous Waste Management of Aurangabad Region: Myths and Facts


Technische Sicherheit

ISSN NO: 1434-9728

Volume 23, Issue 10,



  1. S. S. Patil and Amrin Naimoddin Mirza (2023): Seasonal Reptilian Diversity at Gautala Reserve Forest, Aurangabad (Maharashtra), India. Current World Environment, 18(2), pp 786-794 (ISSN:0973-4929), (Impact factor: 5.37).
  2. S. S. Patil, Chandrasekhar Pawar and Mrunali N. Gharge (2023), In-Situ conservation of abscondita sp. (close perplexa) program policies and perspectives for Kalsubai Harischchandragad wildlife sanctuary in Maharashtra, Didia, Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 10(2) pp 192-198, (ISSN: 2368- 7487), (Impact fucior. 0.182).
  3. S. S. Patil, Chundrasekhar Pawar and Mrunali N. Gharge (2023), Ex-situ concor vation of scorpion specica occur in the Maharashtra stute, Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 10(2) pp 199-304, ASSN 2368-7487), (Imet factor: 0.182).
  4. S. S. Patil, Chandrasekhar Pawer and Shantilal T Ghalme (2023), Global warming and climate change impacts on biodiversity-Cases from Incal regions of Maharashtra. A Journal for New Zealand Herpetology. Vol 12 Issue 02, pp 1790. 1793, (ISSN: 2230-5807), (Impact factor: 1.528)
  5. S. S. Patil, Chandrasekhar Pawar and Harish Kumar Agre (2023), Approach Towards Resolving Biomedical Waste Problems in Indian Perspective A Review, A Journal for New Zealand Herpetology, Vol 12 Issue 02, pp 1784-1789, (ISSN: 2230-5807), (Impact factor: 1.528)
  6. S. S. Patil, Chandrasekhar Pawar, Harish Kumar Agre and Kandukuri Vishwanatham (2023), Appraisal of Geochemical Parameters in the Arid Regions of Krishna River Basin in Sangli District of Maharashtra. Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 10/2) pp 90-100, (ISSN: 2368-7487), (Impact factor: 0.182).

Dr. M.B.Mule

  1. Amul M. Late, V. K. Mukke & M. B. Mule (2018) : " Municipal solid waste and climate change ", Science Park Research Journal; (Special Issue on NCAB,2018 ): pp – 5-8.
  2. Rakh G. B. andM. B. Mule (2018): " Physico-chemical characteristics of wastewater from open sewer drainage system in Waluj MIDC area of Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.", Environment and Ecology; Vol 36 (03) ISSN No 0970-0420; PP: 881-890.
  3. Jadhav P.A. and M. B. Mule (2018): "Quantitative Study of water consumption and grey water generation in Aurangabad city, Maharashtra (India)" ; International  Journal  of  Research in       Advent  Technology (  IJRAT) (ISSN: 2321-9637); Vol – 06; Issue - 11: PP- 2893-2904.
  4.  Rakh G. B. and M. B. Mule (2019): " Physico-chemical parameters study of sewage from open sewerage system of urban areas of Aurangabad city"; Indian Journal of Environmental Protection; Vol-39; No-1; PP- 3-16.
  5.  Lawate D.V. and M B Mule (2020) : “Qualitative study of water resources of Chandoli National Park, Northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India"; in Book entitled” Growth and Environment in the Challenging Times: The Strategies Ahead” edited by Dr K R Chavan and Dr. A S Kulkarni, , Published by, Lulu Publication 3101 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27607, United States; PP-135-147.
  6.  Rakh G.B. and  M. B. Mule  (2022):  “Toxicity assessment of  waste water  from sewer system of Aurangabad city and Waluj Mahanagar area, Maharashtra, India ”; Indian Journal of Environmental Protection ; ISSN; 0253-7141) RN 40280/83 ; Vol-42; No-4; PP- 387-398.
  7. Eman Mohammed Ali-Garoon and M. B. Mule (2022): “To study the hydrological system and watershed by using remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) in Kannad Taluka , Aurangabad District, MS, India”; Advance in Agriculture: Hindawi Publisher UK, ; Vol-2022 Article ID 6094160, PP; 1-11.
  8. Lawate  D. V.; B. G. Bhaware & M. B. Mule (2023): “Study of water resources of Chandoli National Park, Northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India”; International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences: Vol-10, Issue-05:. PP-188-192.
  9. Eman Mohammed Ali Garoon and  M. B. Mule (2023): “ A multiscale analysis   and classification of normalized difference vegetation index value method in Kannad Taluka, Aurangabad District, using remote sensing and GIS "; Journal of Environmental Biology: (p- ISSN:0254-8704, e-ISSN: 2394-0379); Vol-44; No-3; PP-335-344.

Dr. B.L.Chavan

  1. S. S. Shingadgaon1, B. L. Chavan, Zinc Uptake Potential of Eichhornia Crassipes at Various Concentrations, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; pp.3472-3477 SJ Impact Factor: 6.887, Volume 6 Issue III, March 2018- Available at
  2. Mangesh. M. Vedpathak and Balbhim L .Chavan, Effect of fertilizers on the growth and yield of Lady’s Finger (Abelmoschus esculentus L) crop, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 6 (ISSN-2349-5162)
  3. M.M. Vedpathak and B. L. Chavan, Effect of Vermicompost on Germination and Morphological Characteristics of Cluster Bean (Cyamopsis Tetragonolobus L ) Seedling, IAETSD Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 6, June/2018, ISSN NO: 2394-8442,
  4. Mangesh. M. Vedpathak, Balbhim L .Chavan, To study growth and yield of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) crop with application of different fertilizer treatments, IJSDR1807007 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) ISSN: 2455-2631  July 2018 IJSDR | Volume 3, Issue 7  Pp. 46-50.
  5. Mangesh. M. Vedpathak and Balbhim L .Chavan, Response of Green gram (vigna radiata L) crop to different fertilizers, International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation ( | Volume 3, Issue 6 | ISSN: 2456-3315,  pp. 290-284.
  6. Shingadgaon, S. S., Jadhav, S.L., Thete-Jadhav, R.B., Zambare, N.S., Daspute-Taur, A.B., Babare, M.G. and Chavan, B.L. Potentials of aquatic macrophyte species for bioremediation of metal Contaminated wastewater, International Journal of Current Research,  Vol. 10, Issue, 12, pp. 76384-76390, December, 2018, DOI:
  7. Renuka B. Thete-Jadhav, Asmita B. Daspute-Taur,  S.L.Jadhav, Shankar S. Shingadgaon, B.L.Chavan, Performance of Floating Constructed Wetland Reactors with Cyperus esculentus L. macrophyte at different Concentrations of Sewage, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2018 ISSN 2319 – 4847. Pp. 6–11
  8. Renuka G. Thete-Jadhav, Asmita B.Daspute, S.L.Jadhav, Shankar S. Shingadgaon  and B.L.Chavan, Sewage Treatment by Floating Constructed Wetland Reactor System, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) December 2018, Volume 5, Issue 12 (ISSN-2349-5162, pp. 406-413.
  9. Asmita B.Daspute-Taur, Renuka G. Thete-Jadhav, S.L.Jadhav, Shankar S. Shingadgaon and B. L. Chavan, An application of floating constructed wetland reactor to phytoremediation of sewage, International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences ISSN: (2349-4077) Impact Factor- 5.46, Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2018. Website- pp. 136-144.
  10. S. S. Shingadgaon, B. L. Chavan, Zinc Uptake Potential of Eichhornia Crassipes at Various Concentrations, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887; Volume 6 Issue III, March 2018- Available at, pp. 3472-3476.
  11. S. S. Shingadgaon, B. L. Chavan, Zinc uptake potential in Cyperous esculentus, Linn. International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 ISSN 2319 – 4847, pp. 47-57.
  12. S. S. Shingadgaon and B.L. Chavan, Evaluation of Bioaccumulation Factor (BAF), Bioconcentration Factor (BCF), Translocation Factor (TF) and Metal Enrichment Factor (MEF) Abilities of Aquatic Macrophyte Species Exposed to Metal Contaminated Wastewater,  ISSN(Online): 2319-8753, ISSN (Print): 2347-6710, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,, Vol. 8, Issue 1, January 2019, pp. 329-347, DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2019.0801059.
  13. Shekhar Salunke and Balbhim Chavan, Imperious Approach Towards Justifiable Strategic Lake Sediment Regulation, Nature Environment and Pollution Technology  An International Quarterly Scientific Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp.339-348, 2020, p-ISSN: 0972-6268, e-ISSN: 2395-3454, Website:
  14. B.L.Chavan and N. S. Zambare, (2020), A case study on Municipal Solid Waste Management in Solapur city, Waste Monitor, Vol. 3 (1), pp. 32-34, Sept. 2020.
  15. M. M. Vedpathak and B. L. Chavan, 2021, Study of seedling growth attributes of organic fertilizer amendments–A table-Pot Scale experiment, ESW VII Annual National Research Conference on “Anthropogenic Impact on the Environment, Society and Human Health”, 30 & 31 Jan., 2021.
  16. M. M. Vedpathak and B. L. Chavan, 2021, Root-Shoot growth responses of various vegetables with applicationof organic fertilizer treatment in laboratory table scale and pot scale experiment, ESW VII Annual National Research Conference on “Anthropogenic Impact on the Environment, Society and Human Health”, 30 & 31 Jan., 2021.

17. B. L. Chavan,  Environmental Degradation and Loss of Wildlife (Marathi), Muktangan, Special issue, 2023, pp. 9-18.

18. B.L.Chavan, India’s respected reformist Enlightenment Era, The Humanism of Indian Great Men (Marathi Book), ISBN 978-92310-34-8, Dec-2023, pp. 49-60.

19. Chavan B. L., Jadhav S. L. and Zambare N.S. (2023), New Education Policy-2020, Change for Educational sustainability, International Journal of Recent Advancesin Multidisciplinary Research, Vol 10 (12), pp. 9323-9327, Dec. 2023.



  1. Padme Y.L. and Khobragade K.S. (2018):Role of NGO’s in EnvironmentalManagement: A Case Study of Aurangabad.New Man International Journal of Multidisciplinary StudiesImpact factor: 4.321.Vol. (10) Issue (2) pp.53-62 ISSN: 2348-1390(UGC approved journal list no 45886).
  1. Padme Y.L. and Khobragade K. S. (2018): Sustainable Approach to Conserve an Ancient Water Supply Scheme: Salim Ali Lake at Aurangabad, (MS), India. Proceeding of 17th World Lake Conference, Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki, Japan, Harmonious Coexistence of Humans and Lakes towards Sustainable Ecosystem Services. Organized by Tsukuba International Congress Center on October 15th – 19th, 2018. P.p. 1096-1098.
  1. Padme Y.L. and Khobragade K. S. (2019): Impact of Urbanization on Surface Water Reservoirs- a Case Study of Kham River in Aurangabad, (MS), India. A Peer Review. Ajanta Journal.  Impact factor: 5.5.Vol. (8) Issue (1) pp.12-18 ISSN:2277-5730(UGC approved journal list no 40776)
  1. Padme Y.L. and Khobragade K. S. (2019): Phytoplankton Diversity of Various Lakes in Aurangabad City, (MS), India. Think India Journal. Vol.22 Issue (31) pp.278-283, ISSN: 0971-1260.
  1. Padme Y.L. (2021):Impact of Wastewater on Urban Lakes: A Case Study of Aurangabad City (MH) India.International Journal for Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary Field. Conference Special Issue – 22 , Pp. 130-133, (ISSN: 2455-0620) (Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 6.719)  Monthly Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Research JournalIndex Copernicus International - IC Value: 6.87(UGC approved Journal No. 47793)
  1. Padme Y.L. (2021): Impact of Wastewater Disposal on Zooplankton Diversity in Kham River of Aurangabad City (MH) India.International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Volume 9, Issue 5,P.p-689-694.Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 7.214 ISSN: 2395-6011, Online ISSN: 2395-602X(UGC approved Journal No. 64011)
  1. Padme Y.L. (2021): Conservation and Management of Nehru Lake at Aurangabad City (MH) India.International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Volume 9, Issue 5, P.P. 552-556,Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 7.214 ISSN: 2395-6011, Online ISSN: 2395-602X(UGC approved Journal No. 64011)