Research Related Articles

Research Related Articles

Dr. Anand K. Deshmukh, Professor  & Head

  1. “Methods of Data Collection: Questionnaire and Schedule” Dibrugarh University Law Journal (A Peer Reviewed Journal), 2016, ISSN 2348 – 6597.
  2.  “Failure of Law to Curb Female Foeticide: A Glimpse” Research Process, International Journal       of the Social Research Foundation, Vol.4 Number 2 (July-December 2016) Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal, ISSN-2321-211X.
  3. ‘Mitigating Ends of Justice to Victims of Crime: A Comparative Analysis’, Bharati Law Review, Vol. VII- Issue 2, October-December 2018, ISSN 2278-6996, GIF-1.7348.
  4. “Adversarial and Inquisitorial Models of Criminal Justice System: A Comparative Analysis”, International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation, [ISSN 2581-9453] Vol. 2 Issue 2, 2020,Indexed (Manupatra), Blind – Peer Review Journal.
  5. ‘Implications and Impediments in Conceptualizing Statelessness – An Indian Perspective’, Wesleyan Journal of Research, An International Research Journal, Vol. 13 No. 23, September 2020, ISSN: 0975-1386.


Dr. Nandita S. Patil, Associate Professor

  1. An Overview of International Climate Change Regime with Reference to India’s Policy Towards Climate Change, Vol. XIV, 2021 Refereed Journal, Army Institute of Law Journal Vol. XIV, 2021 (ISSN: 0975-8208), (UGC Care list- 2021), pp. 194-204

  2.  Patent Linkage in FTAs and Indian Position, The International Journal of Law Management & Humanities’ [ISSN: 2581 – 5369], Volume 4 Issue 1, Peer Reviewed, 2021(included in Hein Online Database), pp. 73-79

  3.  FTAS &TRIPs Plus Provisions: Legal Issues with Specific Reference to Indian Patent Law, Journal of Academy of Juridical Studies (JAJS), Volume No 11, Issues 1 & 2, 2020, pp. 7-21, Peer Reviewed

  4.  “TRIPS Non-Violation Complaints and Indian Patent Provisions Responding to Public Health”, International Journal of Legal Studies and Research, (UGC Care list- 2021) P. 136-151, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2020, ISSN (O): 2278-4764

  5. ‘Access to Medicines: TRIPS Agreement, Doha Declaration and India’s Implementing Legislation’, Bharati Law Review, April – June, 2018, pp.230-242, ISSN NO.:2278-6996 (Print), www., (e-ISSN NO.: 2457-0567).


Dr. Sadhana P. Pande, Professor

  1. Hamood Mohd Al-Hattami, Abdulrahman Subih, Sadhana P. Pande, ‘Role of Patents in Transfer of New Technology: A Critique.’ Link: 10059354.
  2. Superstition as an Environmental Challenge Verses Slow Pace Legal Regimen: Need for Global Galvanizing, pp. 196-201, ECO REVOLUTION, International Society of Science and Technology, Vol. 1- July 2014, (ISSN 2362-1508).
  3. Cruelty against Non-Human Animals as an Environmental Challenge: A Clarion Call for Legislative Revamping, Executive Eagerness and Public Perception, pp.151-155, International Conference on Environment and Humanities ECO REVOLUTION 2012, Colombo, SriLanka, 18-20 August 2012, International Society of Science and Technology (ISBN 978-81-920431-2-8).
  4. ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution System Vis-à-vis Judiciary: Some Fads and Foibles’, The   Academy Law Review, Vol. XXX Numbers 1 & 2 2006. (ISSN-2278-5108).’
  5. ‘Who should Determine the Loss of Earning Capacity-the Workmen’s Compensation Commissioner or a Qualified Medical Practitioner’, pp 413-420, Cochin University Law Review [1992] C.U.L.R. (ISSN NO.0970-0331).’