HOD's Desk


Director’s Message

Education just cannot be thought of gathering cognitive information, it is rather the entanglement of social, ethical and emotional aspects of human life. It is an essential aspect of nation’s progress. Department of Management Science holds distinction in a way that it aims to inculcate holistic values among students and offers them the avenues to broaden their knowledge horizon. It gives them the sense of agency to look beyond their academic endeavors, technical know-how and become the constructive force in the socio-economic development of the country. The emergence of Artificial intelligence has brought a paradigm shift in areas of economy where in human interventions were essential. The technology is influencing the economy. The drones are being used to deliver the food parcels, robots are being used to carry a crucial activities in Banking and financial sector, and AI is being used in the Software companies. An app called Chatgpt is being widely used for producing non plagiarized essays. Even the most artistic, creative and imaginative field of fine Arts is not immune from the influence of an AI.The human intervention is going to be at stake .It really requires a great zeal of creativity, innovation and extraordinary skills to cope up with the AI Driven world .The challenge confronting the Academia and Industry would be to fine tune the economic, technological and human progress in a sustainable way.

In the present context, we should encourage students to trust their potential and teachers far from completing their syllabus, to engage in a meaningful dialogue seeing beyond the burden of conventional knowledge, overcoming the dead weight of readymade facts, definitions and theories asking new questions and think creatively. It has become all the more significant to rethink, review and revisit the entire process of teaching and learning.

Prof. Shelke

Dr. Abhijeet Shelke


Phone No. :(office) 0240-2403375
Department Phone No. :0240-2403376
Mobile No. :9325213043
e-mail :head.mgmtsci@bamu.ac.in

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