HOD's Desk

Prof. Pachpatte

Dr. D.B.Pachpatte

Professor & Head
Email : head.maths@bamu.ac.in
Phone No. :(office) - 0240-02403301
Mobile No. : 9860051167

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Welcome to the Department of MATHEMATICS. Since the time of formation of this department, it has grown in expertise and competence in the area of educational reforms, curriculum development and research in the field of Integral Inequalities, Fractional Differential Calculus, Boundary Value Problems (Thermoelasticity), Operation Research, Fuzzy Mathematics and many more.
At present the department has a total strength of 05 teaching and 03 non-teaching staff along with facility for taking didactic lectures, demonstration classes and Seminar/Projects sessions for 60 students. Our syllabus includes both teacher and student-centered learning which strike a fine balance between professional knowledge and personal skills. We also encourage them to organize and participate in events with social relevance to the community.
The department has well qualified professional faculty members. Our department has a distinguished record in both teaching and research. Faculty members have excellent academic credentials and are highly regarded and published many research articles in reputed National, International UGC Care, WOS and SCOPUS index journals. They have been conferred with much prestigious recognition of their efforts at the regional and national levels. Several faculty members serve on the editorial boards of institutional and national journals, review articles for journals on a regular basis.
I congratulate all my faculty members and staff members for continuously involving themselves for betterment of students and thus the rural society. I congratulate the students who have put the department at a laudable height.
On behalf of department of MATHEMATICS, I take opportunity to welcome you all to our department. From academic year 2023-24 the department has started as per NEP-2020 curriculum.



