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Research Related Articles

A New Feminine Way of Revolution in Music

Author - Dr. Sanjay Mohad

Abstract - Feminine Music could be a way of mindfulness and awareness that leads topurification of mind and body. To maintain mindfulness which is the path of purification of all mankind, it is essential to eradicate the things imposed upon and forced upon. Becauseenforcement leads to imitation which paralyses all sorts of freedom.In ancient India and now too women are the victim of Imitation. Imitation of male,culture and society. Today situation is changing but the ratio of the change is very small.Except few areas the rest of India is same and unchanged as it was. Till today, we experiencethe disparity between male and female, in the field such as economics, politics, culture,finance and Music too. The choice of woman is denied.

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Author - Dr. Sanjay Mohad

Abstract - Music deals with various types of sounds. It is the process of interaction of Sound with emotions. In daily life we come across various practical experiences of sound. We listen beautiful sounds of chirping of birds, blowing of air, flow of water, an ecstatic sound of a very infant, roaring of a lion in dense forest, a rustling sound of leaves of tree are some of familiar examples of Beautiful Music. By these examples we are very much acquainted with the introduction of Music. We practice it, sing it and play it. But we are less bothered about what exactly is the phenomenon of Music. This research paper is an exploration to study the right nature of Music.

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Author - Dr. Sanjay Mohad

Abstract - Buddha, an awakened and enlighten teacher who taught about the end of all types ofsufferings through the elimination of ignorance by craving a way of understanding.He placed the pillars of four Noble truths, with ultimate goal of attainment of thesublime state ofNirvana .The text containing the teaching of Buddha exists in great variety. But thecentre of all his doctrine rests in “All that we are is the result of what we havethought;it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts”1. The mostimportant text of the Buddhist literature is ‘Dhammapada’Acollection of lyricalverses. This research paper is an exploration to study the lyrical nature of verses in Dhammapada.

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