Research Related Articles

Research Related Articles


  1. Preventing Studying failure in Capability Dyslexics – A review, Sanshodhak , Issue -32, March 2024, 2394-5990 UGC CARE
  2. Perkar. S.R, Dr.Aparna Ashtaputre,(2024) A study of life satisfaction among working and non working women, Sanshodhak , Issue -32, March 2024, 2394-5990 UGC CARE
  3. Fawaz Mohammed Ahmed, AI- Shehari, Aparna .A.Ashtaputre,and Taha Naji Mohammed Alawbali, (Dec-2023) The Five Major Personality Factors among Yemeni University Students, American Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences, vol-5(6), pp-148-162
  4. Suchit D. Sagalgile, Dr.Aparna Ashtaputre(Dec 2023), Mental Health Promotional Strategies: A Review Study, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol-11, Issue12, ppe235-238
  5. Fawaz Mohammed Ahmed, AI- Shehari, Aparna .A.Ashtaputre, Mohammad Iqbal Hossain, Mohammed Abdulkareem A. Alkamel amd Saima Akter Bristy, (2023) Psychological resilience and Emotional Stability of Nurses in COVID-19 Quarantine Centers: Brief Study, American Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences, vol-5(4), pg 82-94
  6. Perkar. S.R, Dr.Aparna Ashtaputre,(2023) Parenting Style and Children’s behaviour: A Review Study, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts.Vol.11, Issue5, Pp 656-662
  7. Dr. Shaikh M. R., Dr. Bochare B. R.,Dr.Ashtaputre.A.A, , Dr. Ambhore A. M Smita Shete(2023) Effect of Yogic Practice on Brain Waves, Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. Vol-56, No.10
  8. Vyawahare N.C, Ashtaputre, A.A .( 2022) Graphology: understanding – misunderstanding, Journal Of Education: Rabindra Bharati University, Vol.: XXV, No. :7(III), Pp-61-64
  9. Ambhore, S.U, Ashtaputre, A.A (June,2022) Knowing your Resilience and its relevance to idea about internal-External world, Royal , vol-XI, issue- I,Pp55-60
  10. Ashtaputre, A.A,  Dr.Sisode S.N, Dr. Ambhore A. M., Dr. Bhutekar S. V., Dr. Shaikh M. R., Dr. Bochare B. R., Dr. Talware S. L (May,2022) So Much of Depression in Young Generation- Is it True?,  International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Vol-9, Issue-2,Pp- 771-774
  11. Ashtaputre, A.A, Sisode S.N (April 2022)Social Media and Body Image- A systematic Review , Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai, Vol 96, No04(II) Pp01-04
  12. Vyawahare N.C, Ashtaputre, A.A .( 2022) Relation between Stress, Anxiety and Handwriting , Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Vol-56, No.4(1),32-35
  13. Ambhore A.M, Ashtaputre A.A, Puri P.A, Bhutekar S.V, Bochare R.R, Sheik M.R (2022) Communication problem and Conflicts in parent Child Relationship, Indian Journal of Social Sciences and Literature Studies, Vol.8Issue I,250-253
  14. Sheik M.R, Ashtaputre A.A, Bochare R.R, Talware S.L, Ambhore A.M,Bhutekar S.V,  Sara Shaikh, (2022)  Aggression in Women: Difference between education and age. Indian Journal of Social Sciences and Literature Studies, Vol.8Issue I ,282-285
  15. Bhutekar S.V,  Shirsath R, Ambhore A.M, Ashtaputre A.A, Taur A.D, Bochare R.R, Sheik M.R (2022)  Conflict management and psychological wellbeing in college students: A systematic Review, Indian Journal of Social Sciences and Literature Studies, Vol.8Issue I,254-258
  16. Fawaz, M.A.Al Shehari, Anas,M.H.N, Ashtaputre, A.A (2021) Identity Crisis Among Adolescents of Third- Secondary Students, Nat.Volatiles & Essent,Oils, 8(4), 1432-1440
  17. Ashtaputre, A.A (2021) Mental health of the elderly in the COVID19 pandemic,Akshar Wangmay, 31-33
  18. Ashtaputre, A.A (2021) Challenges in Good Health and Well Being, Journal of Research and Development, 11(5), 141-142
  19. Kulkarni, G. Ashtaputre, A.A (2021) Emotional Competency in Higher Education: A Literature Review, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 9(6), 82-86
  20. Ambhore, S.U, Ashtaputre, A.A (2021) Music and Performance: A Psychological Anecote, Epitome: International    Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 7(7),80-84
  21. Ashtaputre, A.A (2020) Behavioral Problems among Children: Literature Review, Think India (Quarterly Journal) , 22(13), 691
  22. Ashtaputre, A.A (2020) Meditation for healthy life, Excel’s international Journal of Social Science & Humanities, I(13), 290
  23. Ashtaputre, A.A (2019) Personality Development through Mindfulness Meditation, Our Heritage, 68 (14), 506-510
  24. Ashtaputre, A.A (2019) Meaning of Happiness Across the Age, AJANTA , 7(2-III),52-56
  25. Ashtaputre, A.A (2019) Screen time & Behaviour among Kids, Power of Knowledge, 3, 1-4
  26. Fawaz, M.A.Al shehari, Ashtaputre, A.A (2019) Self Identity among Adolescent of Third Secondary Student of Both Sex, AJANTA, 7(I) , 93-102
  27. Ashtaputre, A.A , Sisode, S.N (2019) Happiness & Self Esteem among Young and Adult, Excel’s International Journal of Social Science& Humanities, I(11), 31-34
  28. Ashtaputre, A.A (2015) Anxiety among Youth & its management through Yoga, The international journal of Indian psychology,3(1) no7, 94-98
  29. Ashtaputre, A.A (2018) Face book and Self Esteem, International Journal of Indian Psychology, 6(1), 48-52 Aashtaputre, A.A (2017) Use of Behaviour Modification in Conversion Disorder, AJANTA, 6(4),13-15 Ashtaputre, A.A (2016) Emotions and brain waves, The international journal of Indian psychology, 3(2) no5, 15-18
  30. Salwe, D, Ashtaputre, A.A (2015) A study of mobile games & Brain activity, Shodhini, 4(2),17-21
  31. Kharat,M.S, Ashtaputre, A.A (2015) A study of problem solving & brain activity, Shodhini, 4(2),27-31
  32. Patharikar, S, Ashtaputre, A.A (2015) Attitude toward fashion, Shodhini, 4(2), 33-37
  33. Kamble,N.N, Ashtaputre, A.A (2015) A study of problem solving & brain  functioning, Shodhini, 4(2), 42-47
  34. Gaikwad, S.B, Ashtaputre, A.A (2015) A study of mobile games & Brain activity, Shodhini, 4(2), 60-63
  35. Ashtaputre, A.A (2012) Academic achievement and playing on ground, The Unique research Analysis,1(25), 52-55
  36. Ashtaputre, A.A (2012) Emotional Intelligence and Academic achievement among Children, SHODHINI, 4,41-43