M.S.W. (Social Work)

Course Structure

(View NEP - Syllabus)

Sanctioned Seats:
M.S.W.I -60 Seats ,
M.S.W.II-60 Seats

Duration: four semesters/ two academic years

Full time postgraduate degree course comprising of 4 semesters spreading over 2 calendar years, with Choice Based Credit System, The M.S.W. Curriculum focuses on the professional development of students in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills to perform the role as a professional social worker.

Program Educational Objectives, Program Outcomes and Specific Outcomes of M. S. W. Program

Master of Social Work Program has its own professional base which is inclusive of various streams. So its outcomes are oriented towards individual growth along with enrichment of individual and social life.

 Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

M.S.W. Program is conducted as per Outcome Based Education (OBE) since 2017-2018. Following are the Program Educational Objectives.

PEO1: To develop mastery over the advance knowledge of Social issues and theories related to social developments.

PEO2: To provide the professional services in private and public sector.

PEO3: To undertake self-managed professional activity in the domain Social work in different areas of social development/issues.

PEO4: To opt for higher education, research and to be a life-long learner.

PEO5: To provide value based and ethical leadership to the profession and social life.


Program Outcomes (POs):

The program outcomes describe the knowledge and the abilities gained by M.S.W. students at the end of program studies. The learner uses his /her knowledge and the abilities---

a. To conceive the concepts, principles and theories related to human development and social development in the field of different social domains such as women, children, disadvantaged group, etc.

b. To implement the concepts, principles and theories related to social work in the field of different social domains such as women, children, disadvantaged group, etc.

c. To solve social issues based on the principles and theories.

d. To administer and manage the organizations related to social work.

e. To analyse and implement Legal issues in resolving with social issues.

f. To provide guidance and Counseling to the target individual/group/community

g. To conduct research studies.

Specific Outcomes of M. S. W. Program (PSOs)

Following are Program Specific Outcomes of MSW.


a. Domain Knowledge :

apply the knowledge of Social Work methods for fulfillment of social needs and in solutions of social problems by promoting conducive social environment and by restructuring , activating socio economic political systems for achieving human wellbeing.

b. Problem Analysis:

develop ability to identify, formulate and analyze complex social problems by using Social Work knowledge through placements in service organizations and in open community.

c. Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems :

conduct investigations of complex problems by applying knowledge of social work methods, research based activities, research method, which facilitate comprehensive and realistic understanding of the complex socio economic problems .

d. Modern Tool Usage:

develop indigenous learning material, appropriate resources and use technology and innovative methods to enhance theoretical knowledge and practical wisdom with regard to professional social work, and interpret data by using SPSS .

e. Citizenship and Society:

develop the social work personnel to fulfill the requirements of service organizations catering to the socio- economic needs of society.

f. Environment and Sustainability :

conduct appropriate programs for sustainable development by giving orientation about the environmental transformation and developing knowledge about sustainable development .

g. Ethics:

follow ethical principles and develop commitment towards the roles and responsibilities of social work profession, as code of ethics is heart of social work profession.

h . Individual and Team Work:

enhance intrapersonal and interpersonal skills for the efficient and competent personal and professional role performance with various groups of professional and para-

Professional teams.

i. Communication:

develop communication with self, with client and client systems and with society at large by way of interactions and by way of recording and presenting field work experiences while complying with guidance / the instructions given by social work educators.

j. Life-Long learning:

inculcate continuous consciousness about the conducive, positive social processes as well as vigilance against the destructive, negative social processes and recognize the need of program and engage in programs and projects as a professionally trained social worker.


act accordingly in personal and professional situations with sustaining self-consciousness, Inclination and readiness .

Sem – I

Sem – II

Sem – III

Sem – IV

Compulsory Courses


101 DSWP: Development of Social Profession

201 WWC: Working with Community

301 ISWP: Integrated SocialWork Practice

401 SPSD: Social Policy and Social Development


102 WWI : Working with


202AWDS: Administration of Welfare and Developmental Services

302 CTP : Counselling Theory and Practice

402 SWPTD: Social Work Personnel: Training and Development

103 WWG : Working with Group

203 SWR : Social Work


303LSW: Law and Social Work

EC: Select any two from list of Elective Courses- IV


404 RCD : Rural Community


405USUG : Urban Society and Urban Governance

406 SWI : Social Work in Industry

407TASW: Tribal Anthropology and Social Work

408SWSG : Social Work with Special Groups

409 PED: Political Economy and


104 HDB : Human Development and Behavior

EC: Select any two from list of Elective Courses-II

204 PDCSWI: Problems of Differently Challenged and Social Work Intervention

205 WD: Women And


206 WDWS: Welfare And Development of Weaker Sections

207 CCA: Crime And

Correctional Administration.

208CSWP: Communication for Social Work Practice

EC: Select any two courses from list of

Elective Courses- III

304 SWPH : Social Work Practice in the field of Health

305 SWPMH : Social Work Practice in the field of Mental Health

306 PE: Population and Environment

307 HRD: Human Resource Development

308 DM : Disaster Management

309 PPG: Personal and Professional Growth

105 BSS : Basic Social


*EC : Select any one course from list of


Elective Course-I

106 FCW: Family and Child Welfare

107YD:Youth Development

108 SWWA :Social work with Aged

109 CISW: Contemporary Ideologies of Social Work

CC - 05, EC -01 = 06 Theory Courses

CC - 03, EC -02 = 05 Theory Courses

CC - 03, EC -02 = 05 Theory Courses

CC - 02, EC -02 = 04 Theory Courses

110 SWP-I: Social Work


111 SWPVV-I: Social Work Practicum


112 LSA- I :Learning Supporting Activity (Case Presentation / Book review/Seminar )

209 SWP-II :Social Work Practicum – II

210 SWPVV-II: Social Work Practicum Viva-Voce-II

211 LSA- II : Learning Supporting Activity (Base Line Survey / PRA/ Practical Assignment)

310 SWP-II :Social Work Practicum – III

311 SWPVV-III: Social Work Practicum


312RP–I :Research


313 LSA -III : Learning Supporting Activity (Outreach Activity on Electives/ Seminar/ Case Study)

314 SC-CSR

Service Course: Corporate Social Responsibility

410 SWP Social Work Practicum – IV

411 SWPVV-IV: Social Work Practicum Viva-Voce-IV

412 RP-II: Research Project-II

413 RPVV: Research Project Viva-Voce

414 LSA-IV : Learning Supporting Activity

(Research outline Presentation/ Issue Based Seminar/ Surprise Test)

415 BP: Block Placement (vocational Training)

Sem I Credits – 27

Sem II Credits – 25

Sem III Credits – 29

Sem IV Credits - 30

Total Credits I II III IV Total

27 25 29 30 111



  • Total Generic Electives Courses = 13
  • Number of Open Electives Courses = 07+ 01 Service Course
  • Number of Practicum & Research Courses = 16
  • Total Courses = 37

Assessment Methods & Examination Reforms adopted

To be eligible to appear for M.S.W. Examination, the candidate must have fulfilled 75% classroom attendance in each core, elective & service course and 90% attendance in social work practicum.

Assessment Methods:

The evaluation of each of the components of M.S.W. program i.e. Theory Course (TC), Social Work Practicum (SWP), Research Project (RP) is done internally and externally and performance in LearningSupportive Activities (LSA) and Internship(Block Placement) is done internally.

Theory Courses :

Each theory course is of 100 marks, divided intointernal Class Test Examination of 20 marksand external Semester End Examination of 80 Marks.

A) Internal Examination -20 Marks:

There are 2 mid semester examinations, 1st based on 40% portion taught and the 2nd on 60% portion taught of each course.The subject teacher shall conduct this exam and average score obtained out of 2 nd mid semester examinations are considered for the preparation of final marks / grade.

B) Term End Examination -80 Marks:

Each theory course question paper shall consist of 2 sections.

Section A (20 Marks) is of objective type questions,carrying 2 Marks for each question which covers entire syllabus. It is compulsory to attempt this section for the all students.

Section B carries 60 Marks consisting 7 questions out of which any five are attempted.

Social Work Practicum (SWP)


Research Project (RP)

Orientation Visit, Concurrent Field Work, Communication Skills Exercise , Rural Camp , Study Tour & Individual and Group Conferences are the Heads of Assessment of Social work Practicum.

Research Project is mandatory course in M.S.W. It develops ability to conduct research. It promotes social work student to investigate social issues. The Performance in Project Report is measured independently in III rd and IVth Semester on the basis of steps involved in Research Methodology. The dissertation is submitted in IV semester. Research project is assessed externally and internally in fourth semester.

Internship (Block Placement )

On the basis of performance of the student in Internship in various social work agencies for the period of thirty days , assessment is done.

Learning Supportive Activity (LSA)

LSA is an important component included in curriculum of MSW Program, it is useful for nourishing skills among students .It is evaluated internally.

Evaluation Reforms

Time bound continuous evaluation of social work practicum and of Research Project has been introduced.

• Criteria for evaluation of each activity has been clearly specified & informed to the students before commencement of the activity.

• Phase-wise evaluation of Research Project has been introduced.

• Field work coordinators and in charge of Research Project Report committee, effectively execute the evaluation reforms by designing the time schedule of the activity and by coordinating the functioning of all teachers in these academic areas.