Research Related Articles

Research Related Articles


Senior Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay BhageraoSalunke

  1. Sanjay Salunke and Rahul Mahamuni (2024)Eco-Wisdom: Integrating Traditional Practices for Biodiversity Conservation in Maharashtra,International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)Volume: 08 Issue: 07 July – 2024, ISSN: 2582-3930
  2. Sanjay Salunke and Rahul Mahamuni (2024) The Gender Gap in STEM: Understanding the Educational Paradox, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), September 2024, Volume 11, Issue 9, ISSN-2349-5162.
  3. Sanjay Salunke and Rahul Mahamuni(2024)Eco-Wisdom: Integrating Traditional Practices for Biodiversity Conservation inMaharashtra,International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM), Volume: 08 Issue: 07 | July - 2024, ISSN: 2582-3930
  4. Sanjay Salunke and PhramahaPrasertChanjamrat, (2022) "A Comparative Study of Government Policies during Three Eras of Kingship in Thailand" published in International Research Journal of Commerce, Management and Social Science, IRJCMSS, Issue XVIII, Vol. I, July-Dec 2022.
  5. Sanjay Salunke and JintanaKatakul(2022), "A Critical Study of Model Local Government in Thailand: A Case Study Nakhon Si Thammarat Province" published in International Research Journal of Commerce, Management and Social Science, IRJCMSS, Issue XVIII, Vol. I, July-Dec 2022.
  6. Sanjay Salunke and DetchatTreesab (2022) Good Governance of Municipalities Administration in Resource Management Nakhon Si Thammarat Province" published in International Research Journal of Commerce, Management and Social Science, IRJCMSS, Issue XVIII, Vol. I, July-Dec 2022.
  7. Sanjay Salunke and S. N. Jagtap, Kadam (2018), Comparative Study of Social Networking in Educational System: Case of Maharashtra State in India" published in Printing Area International Research Journal, Issue 47, Vol. II, April 2018.
  8. Sanjay Salunke and S. N. Jagtap, Kadam (2018) Novel Approach of Social Networking Sites Quite Useful for Educational Purpose. Published in Vidyawarta Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journal. Issue 26, April-June 2018.
  9. Salunke, Sanjay & Others (2020).Novel Approach of Social Networking Sites Quite Useful for Educational Purpose in Case of UG & PG Students. Research Process. Research Process. Published in National conference at Dr. B. A. M. University, Aurangabad. ISSN 2321-211X. INC-DE 2020 Special Issue: Volume No. I
  10. Salunke Sanjay& others (2019) Critical Study of Social Networking and its Effect on the Education System in Case of Undergraduate Students and Teachers of SGBA University, Amravati, India, International Journal of Applied Social Science, Volume  6  (11&12),  November  &  December  (2019):  2353-2359ISSN: 2394-1405 
  11. Salunke Sanjay& others (2019) Impact of Social Networking Sites on Educational System: In Case of Students & Teachers of SGBAUAmravati, Dr. BAMU Aurangabad, SRTMU Nanded and Solapur University in India, International Journal of Applied Social Science, Vol. 6 (9) September (2019): 2177-2181 ISSN: 2394-1405
  12. SalunkeSanjay&RangraoP. Hendge (2018), Socio-Economic status of Anganwadi Women Workers in Maharashtra Region, International Journal of Applied Social Science, Vol. 5 Issue 7 ISSN No: 2394-1405.
  13. Salunke Sanjay &JintanaKatakul(2018), Ways to Promote Morality Ethics and Good Governance Principals in work Performance of personnel in local Administrative Organization, Southern Region, International Journal of Applied Social Science, Vol. 5, Issue 7 ISSN No: 2394-1405.
  14. Salunke Sanjay &PhrakruWimolthammasan(2018), Sociological Study of the Participation Community Leaders in Community Development Processes in Thailand (With Special Reference Khanom District Nakhon Si Thommarat Province) Thailand.International Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN No: 2231-4687, Impact Factor: 6.81(SJRF)
  15. Salunke Sanjay&PhramahaPrasertJanchansat(2018)A Comparative Study of Government Policies During three Eras kinship in Thailand, International Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN No: 2231-4687, Impact Factor: 6.81(SJRF)
  16. Salunke Sanjay and SuriyaSrisura (2018)Role of Et Provincial Administrative Organizations in the Quality of Life Development of the People, Proceedings of International Conference local wisdom and sustainable development, May 26th, The Far Eastern University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 50100, pp375-383
  17. Salunke Sanjay &RangraoPandurangHendge (2018) Socio-Economic Problems of Family Members of Suicide Committed Farmers. Research Journey International Multidisciplinary E-Research Journal. UGC Approved Journal. Special Issue 70. October 2018. Page No. 180-184.


Prof. (Dr.) Laxmansing Hilalasing Salok

  1. खेड्याचा अभ्यास (माहोरा),  चिन्मय प्रकाशन, औरंगाबाद. ISBN 978-93-81948-61-3
  2.  साळोक लक्ष्मण , ( डिसेंबर २०१८) महाराष्ट्रातील खुल्या कारागृहातील कैद्यांच्या समस्या ISSN No: 2319 9318.
  3.  साळोक लक्ष्मण , ( फेब्रुवारी २०२४ )महात्मा फुले यांचे शिक्षणविषयक आणि कार्यISBN 978-93-81948-76-7  )
  4. साळोक लक्ष्मण , ( फेब्रुवारी २०२४ )वेब मालिकांच्या विळख्यात स्त्रीवाद ISSN 2230-7745 (SJIF Impact factor -7.88 )


Dr. Sangram V. Gunjal

2018. A Socio-economic perception of Dhangar Communities. ISSN -2321-211X

2018. Socio Historical Perception of Indian Caste System. ISSN -227-7539

2019. ‘Climate change Impacts on Agriculture, Industry, Biodiversity and Socio Economic Development Peer-Reviewed ISSN 2321-211-X

2019. Social Perception of Covid-19 Pandemic in Indian Context.Peer-Reviewed ISSN-2277-7539.

2019. Tribal Society in Maharashtra: Current Status and Development Policies.Peer-ReviewedISSN-2278-8808.

2019. Marxism Social Ideology and RethinkingPeer-ReviewedISSN-2278-8808 

2023 The changing role of women leadership in rural local self-governmentISSN-2278-8808.


Dr. Padmakar N. Sahare

Published Papers in Journals

2018. Now no Degree and Service on the Fraud tribe Certificate.inVanyajati, BhartiyaAdimjatiSevakSangh, New Delhi April to June 2018, Vol. LXVII, No. 2, ISSN 0975-0649, Page 40-48.

2018. ‘ReligiousBeliefs and Practices of Adivasis: Dongar Devi’ (in Marathi) Tribal Research Bulletin, Tribal Research and Training Institute, Pune, Government of Maharashtra Vol.-XXXVII No-1, March,2018 pp. 47-52.

2018. ‘Constitutional Provisions for the Scheduled Tribes and increase in the incidence of the Fraud Caste Certificates’(in Marathi) Tribal Research Bulletin, Tribal Research and Training Institute, Pune, Government of Maharashtra  Vol.-XXXVII No-1, March,2018 pp. 75-79.

2020. AdivasiKshetratilNaisargikSansadhaneanityancheVisthapan. Excels International Journal of Social Science and Humanities. ISSN 2277-7539. Impact factor 5.631. January-2020 Vol.No.13.276-279.

2020. AdivasinchiVartmanSthiti: AvhaneaniUpai. SamajshastraSanshodhanPatrika. ISSN 2230-7745. Vol.25. December 2020. Page. 5-10.

2021. LingbhavSamanataaniStriyanchyaPrashnanvishyak Dr. AmbedkarancheVichar. inGhodewarParvin (ed.) StridasyaMuktichaMahanayak. Bangolore: HSRA Publication. Page 7-12.

2023. Adivasi, Jamati v MulnivasiLokanpratiHindutvvadyanchiBhumika. SamajshastraSanshodhanPatrika. ISSN 2230-7745. Vol.29. December 2023. Page 65-69.

Published of Books:03

1 Perspectives on Indian Society (In Marathi)Vidya Books, Aurangabad.June-2015, Page- 495, ISBN No.978-93-81374-61-0

2 KoknatilKoknaAdivasi(In Marathi).SouravPrakashan. ChhatrapatiSambhajinagar. July 2024.Page- 378, ISBN No.978-93-93985-37-8

3 AdivasiKshetratilPramukhSansthane(In Marathi). SouravPrakashan. ChhatrapatiSambhajinagar. July 2024.Page- 268, ISBN No.978-93-93985-54-5

Dr. Sadiq N. Bagwan

2020. ‘Ecological Degradation and Need for Sustainable Development’, IJSRF’s Research Process Vol.1 (2020). ISSN 2321-211X, pp 20-26

2021. ‘Socio-Economic Status and Pattern of Education Among Muslims in India: A Situational Analysis’, Iikogretim Online-Elementary Education OnlineVol.19 (1),pp1206-1211. doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2020.661941

2021. ‘Informal Sector in Indian Economy, National  Journal on Social Issues and Problems Vol. 10 (1), ISSN 2278-3199 , pp 39-41

2021. ‘Employment Status of Indian Muslims’, National Journal of Knowledge Resonance Vol 10(1), ISSN 2231-1629,pp 86-89

2022. ‘Communal Violence in India: The Changed Contours of Hindu Muslim Conflicts’, International Journal of Reflective Research in Social Sciences Vol 5(1), ISSN 2581-5733, pp 18-20

2022. ‘The Rights of Minorities in India’ International journal of Social Science and Humanities Vol 1 (23), ISSN 2277-7539,pp 143-150

2022. ‘Exploring the Employment Status of Indian Muslims’, Epitome: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol 7 (12), ISSN 2395-6968,pp 150-159

2022. ‘Pattern of Employment among Muslims in Aurangabad District: An Overview’, International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), ISSN:1308-5581, pp.2659-2664, Doi.10.48047/intjecse/V1417.382

Chapter in Edited Book:

‘Landlessness in Rural India and its Implications’, “ Agricultural and Rural Development in Backward Regions of India”, Kailash Publication, Aurangabad,  ISBN 97881949560, pp 98-107


