Research Related Articles

Research Related Articles

Estimation of Optimum Plot Size and Shape in Agricultural Experiments by Prof. S. L. Sananse

International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 8, Issue, 02, February, 2016
ISSN: 0975-833X
Impact Factor 6.22

Abstract - Determination of optimum plot size and shape has been regarded as an important and useful area to measure soil heterogeneity in field experiments. The smiths heterogeneity index method assumes the condition of independence of observations but often this condition of independence of observations does not satisfied. In this paper, we propose a method of determination of heterogeneity index using semivariances instead of variances used in smiths method. The main advantage of semivariogram technique is it considers magnitude and direction of heterogeneity in field experiments. The heterogeneity index calculated using semivariogram technique and Smiths technique is 0.17 sand 0.24 respectively and corresponding optimum plot size(is 4.5 m2 and 7.1m2.

Keywords: Uniformity trials, Smiths Index of heterogeneity, Semivariogram technique, Size and shape of Plot, Optimum plot size.

An Inventory Model for Time Varying Holding Cost and Weibull Distribution for Deterioration with Fully Backlogged Shortages by Dr .S. V. Kawale

International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology- Volume 4
Issue 10 , Nov 2013
ISSN: 2231-5373 Page 201-206

Abstract - To find optimum order quantity deterioration plays crucial role in inventory management therefore handling of deterioration is in highlight and attracted of many researchers. In this model Economic Production Problem under time varying holding cost, demand is constant, price discount is offered for deteriorated items, deterioration rate is considered as Weibull distribution and shortages are permitted and kept fully backlogging. The model is supported by numerical example.

Keywords - EPQ model, Deteriorating product, Shortage, Fully backlogging, Time varying holding cost, Weibull distribution.

Statistical Analysis of Ambient Air Quality Pollution Data of Aurangabad City by Dr. Ashok Tayade

International Journal Of Recent Scientific Research
Volume:7(4), April-2016
ISSN: 0976-3031, pp:10483-1049 , Impact Factor: 5.971,
Available Online at

Abstract :Air quality monitoring study in Aurangabad city at three different points, Collector Office, Aurangapura and CADA Office was undertaken. Twenty-four hours air monitoring sampling was carried out by using Resparable Suspended particulate matter sampler during a week in the months. The study period from Feb.-2011 to Jan-2016. Air Quality Index (AQI) and Time Series Analysis for Seasonal variation was employed for analysis of ambient air quality monitoring data. The criteria for pollutants included in the study were Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) , Resparable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM)and SPM (10 micron dust Particals). The results indicated that the RSPM and SPM extensively contribute toward air pollution at this location through out study period.

Keywords: Seasonal variation, Standard Deviation, Coefficients of Variation, AQI and rating scale and Time series analysis.

Efficient Designs for Quadratic Mixture Models by Dr. C. D. Sonar

Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, 42: 4417 4430, 2013
Taylor Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0361-0926 print/1532-415X online
DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2011.652793

Abstract :This article introduces a novel method, named JC1, for obtaining G-efficient mixture design to fit quadratic models. The advantage of JC1 method over existing algorithms is that it gives G-efficient designs without need of generating all the extreme vertices, edge centroids and constraint plane centroids of the mixture experimental region. The performance of the new method is illustrated and its comparison is given with popularly used algorithms Snee (1975) algorithm and Welch (1985) ACED algorithm for second-order (quadratic model) designs and it is observed that JC1 method performs as well as the existing methods or sometimes better than those with additional advantage of large savings in computational efforts.

Keywords: Centroid; Extreme vertices; G-efficiency; Mixture; Quadratic model

An Overview Of Statistical Studies On Ocean Parameters In Nearshore And Offshore Regions Off Western Coast Of India By Dr. S.Jadhav

International Journal of Advances in Engineering Technology,
Oct., 2015, ISSN: 22311963,
Vol. 8, Issue 5, pp. 770-782

Abstract :Statistical studies carried out on ocean parameters in nearshore and offshore regions along western coast line of India have been reviewed. The review suggests that as far as ocean parameters of west coast are concerned, a total of 38 papers have been published, out of 80 research papers which dealt with Statistical study of ocean parameters in nearshore and offshore regions. The review also shows that the majority of studies undertaken along western Indian coast have concentrated on real time forecasting of waves and to estimate the wave parameter aspects and very few attempts have been made for applied aspects of ocean parameter contents. In this review the analysis has been carried out through WRB (Datawell directional wave rider buoys) generated data. A bibliographical account and themewise review of various past publications have also been provided in this paper.

KEYWORDS: Ocean Parameters, West coast of India, Statistical Study.


