About Department

The Department of Urdu was established in 1999 with M.A. and Ph.D. Courses. Dr.Rana Hydri joined as Reader on 28.07.1999. She was HoD from 08.12.1999 to 30.04.2005.She retired on 30.04.2005.Dr.Shaikh Siddiq Mohiuddin joined as Lecturer on 27.07.1999. He was HoD from 01.05.2005 to 31.01.2006. Dr. Md.Gayasuddin joined as Professor on 17.01.2006. He was HoD from 01.02.2006 to 31.07.2018 Dr. Kirtimalini Jawale joined as Assistant Professor on 03.05.2006. Dr.Masarrat Firdos joined as Reader on 19.04.2010 to 28.02.2018. Prot Shaikh Siddiq Mohiuddin is HoD form 01.08.2018 to till date. Department is actively engage focusing academic and research activities. We regularly conducts National Seminars and guest lecture series in the department Besides this cultural activities also are being conducted in the department. Presently Prof. Kirtimalini Vithalrao Jawale is heading the department since 01.04.2020. Department has offered the academic programe, M.A.M.Phil and Ph.D. In M.A.Carriculam there are twelve specializations, which are as follows.
(1) Gazhal (2) Afsana (3) Dastan (4) Tariqa-e-Adab-e-Urdu (5) Maulana Azad (6) Book Reiview (7) Marsia (8) Special Study Sir Syed (09) Special Study Ratan Nath Sarsahr (10) Khaka Aur Sawaneh (11) Maktoob Aur Inshaiya (12) Dacani Adab (13) Marathwada Mein Urdu Adab 1947 Ke Baad. (14) Project (15) Dissertation (16) Tariqa-e-Tahqeeq (17) Nazm (18) Novel.
In research stream department of Urdu has offered M.Phil and Ph.D. Programs. The promotion of research is a significant responsibility of the Universities. Hence department of Urdu is also promoting the research culture in the department. The department is making adequate resources available regarding active research with the involvement of teachers and scholars. We are promoting research in the various aspects of Urdu language and literature. As Urdu is the major language of India and it has the great literary traditions
Department has adopted the out come based education system since 2017-2018 and choice based credit system. This education system is student centric. The program out comes are developed through the curriculam,and it is attained through the course implementation.
The programe educational objectives (PEO) are the statements that describes the career and professional achievement after the porgramme of studies.Department has adopted 80-20 pattern of examination. The department conducts one Test and Seminar in order to the continuous assessment system, through semester pattern of examination.The Department had four faculty members in the department, recently three (1) Full Time & (02) Contractual.