


1. For M.Sc. Computer Science

Sr.No. Name of Master Program Duration Intake
1 M.Sc. Computer Science 1 Yr.@ / 2Yr.$ 32* + 08#

*Grant in Aid, #Non-Grant, @PG-Diploma (up on exit), $Master Degree upon Exit option of NEP



2. For M.Sc. Information Technology

Sr.No. Name of Master Program Duration Intake
1 M.Sc. Information Technology 1 Yr.@ / 2Yr.$ 32#

*Grant in Aid, #Non-Grant, @PG-Diploma (up on exit), $Master Degree upon Exit option of NEP



3. For M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence

Sr.No. Name of Master Program Duration Intake
1 M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence 1 Yr.@ / 2Yr.$ 32#

*Grant in Aid, #Non-Grant, @PG-Diploma (up on exit), $Master Degree upon Exit option of NEP