
Department of Commerce

How can we help you

At PHCDBS, we apply our technologies and develop solutions designed to solve biodiversity problems, no matter what their size or area of activity. From R&D collaboration to services to training, we offer the highest quality level of science and share the risks associated with innovation.

We wish to address industry and public concerns where effective biomonitoring assessment and accurate species identification are critical:

  • Environmental surveillance/monitoring – tracking the impact of human activities on the environment; gauging the success of restoration efforts; monitoring water quality and aquatic ecosystems
  • Endangered species – enhancing taxonomic and ecological knowledge about endangered species and creating a diagnostic framework for monitoring and curbing illegal harvest and trade
  • Invasive species – identifying and monitoring invasive organisms and their ecological impact, improving diagnostic measures to prevent cross-border transfer of alien species
  • Agriculture and forestry – identifying and monitoring agriculture and forestry pests and biological control agents
  • Human health – identifying and monitoring human disease vectors and reservoirs; reconstructing ecological relationships between the components of natural-borne disease foci
  • Market surveillance – detecting product substitution in foods and herbal products, revealing contaminated food sources