Student Council

Formation of Students Council
After Nomination of Representative by various departments of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Post-Graduate Students Council is Formed. As per Maharashtra Universities Act 1994 colleges sent the names of students Council Secretaries who were nominated according to their merit. The department prepared electoral role for election of President and Secretary of the University Students Council and conducted the election.
Students’ affairs include a wide gamut of activities and every avenue of student life on campus. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University administration provides students with the chance to shape not just their academic years at the institution, but also explore a myriad of other opportunities for their future.
Given this free reign, students at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University can experience management outside the classroom too, working for and pushing initiatives that can make a difference to students, the institute and also the environment we are a part of. As the apex student body, the Students’ Council co-ordinates and manages all academic, extra-curricular and day-to-day activities of student life. As representatives of a diverse and eager student community, the Students’ Council exists to ease and complement the quality of life and learning at this beautiful campus.