
Information about Convocation Certificate:

The Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University’s convocation is a special gathering to honour the achievements of students and acknowledge their success through formal certification. The university’s convocation is normally held in the month of December / January of any given year.

The Convocation is announced at least Two month before the convocation date – through newspapers, radio and TV. The detailed schedule of the convocation is made available at the entrance of the convocation hall and is freely distributed to all. Gold medals and awards are also awarded to the meritorious students on this occasion.

Eligibility to Participate as a Student:
  • The students who have completed successfully the Post-Graduation / Graduation / Diploma examination and have no Fee due with the University are eligible to participate.
  • Every student is expected to fill the Convocation Form along with the previous year’s mark-sheet (Xerox copy) and a DD of the appropriate amount or Payment on Cash Counter.
  • On the convocation day, students are expected to follow the Dress Code specified by the university including the Convocation Shawl regarding which specific instructions will be provided at the appropriate time.
  • Strict adherence to code of conduct is expected during the Convocation.

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