Records and Meeting Section
Conducts meetings of the Senate and the Management Council and issues circular number to the circular issued by various departments / sections of the University. University’s important authorities in relation to administration , financial , educational and development are the Senate and the Management Council. Meeting of the Management Council
Meeting of the Management Council
The Management Council is the
principal executive authority to formulate statutes and forward
the same to the Senate for approval and make Ordinances to
administer the affairs of the University and shall carry out all
such duties which are not specifically assigned to any other
Meetings of the Management Council :
The procedure to conduct meeting and powers of the Management
Council are given in Section 27 and 28 of the Maharashtra
Universities Act, 1994.
The Meeting is decided all Item &
preparation of Agenda and Sending it to all members after
approval of Honorable Vice-Chancellor and under signature of the
Meeting of the Senate is held as
per the provisions of section 25 (4) of the Maharashtra
Universities Act, 1994.
The procedure to conduct meeting
of the Senate is mentioned in the Statute No. 46 to 110.
The meeting of the Senate held
twice in a year.
The meeting held in the month of
March every year shall be Annual Meeting, which shall consider
and approve Budget estimates, Statement of Accounts, Auditors
Report, if any, and Annual Report of the University. The Second
meeting is convened within a period of eight months of the
Annual Meeting.
The Senate shall be the principal
authority for all financial estimates and budgetary
appropriations and for providing Social feedback to the
University on current and future programmers’.
Maintain permanent record of Agendas and Minutes of the above
Maintain record of University
Circulars issued by the various Administrative Sections /
Departments of the University, year wise and issue Circular numbers
to them.
Election to any authority or body
of the University is conduct by the Election Section. The
procedure of nomination / co-option on various authorities or
body of the University is also conducted by the Election
Organize the meeting of the
Standing Committee for filling vacancies occurred in the office
of a member of any authority or body of the University before
the expiry of his normal term.