Publication Section
All types of Exam Forms has been sold by Publication Section to the recognized colleges, Institutions, Students & University Departments by cash or D.D.
All Other Forms e.g. Eligibility, Migration, T.C; Convocation, Passing, Medical Check up, Attestation, Special Certificate, Revaluation & Verification, Xerox copy of answer book etc. has been sold to the recognized colleges, Institutions, & Students by cash, D.D. or by post.
All previous Exam Question Papers conducted by the University has been sold to the recognized colleges, Institutions, Students & by cash, D.D. or by post.
All types of Syllabus has been sold to the recognized colleges, Institutions, Students & University Departments by cash, D.D. or by post.
Foreigner Student's Admission Form, Eligibility Form e.g. International Bulletin, English course's Elicis Form has been sold to the Foreigner Student.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University's Publications has been sold to the People by cash or D.D. Otherwise it has been sent by post.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University's Sub-Center Osmanabad has been supplied all types of material related to Publication Section.