

Program Educational Objectives:

The objectives of M. Sc. (Electronics) program are to produce graduates who –
  1. Are equipped with time relevant knowledge of Sensor Technology to address multi-disciplinary demands of R & D organizations, educational institutes and automated Process in modern industries in capacity of Scientist, Education Professionals, System Developers and System Integrators.
  2. Have sound background to practice advanced concepts of electronics in the areas sensor technology, Semiconductor Devices in R & D organizations, educational institutes, industry and Government settings meeting the growing expectations of stakeholders.
  3. Have an ability to pursue higher studies and succeed in academic and professional careers.
  4. Have the ability to address professional demands individually and as a team member communicating effectively in technical environment using modern tools.
  5. Recognize the need for and possess the ability to engage in lifelong learning and will Be sensitive to consequences of their work both ethically and professionally for productive professional career.
The objectives of M. Sc. (Electronics) program are to produce graduates who -
  1. Are equipped with time relevant knowledge of Sensor Technology, Semiconductor Devices, Mechatronics, and Industrial Communication to address multi-disciplinary demands of R & D organizations, educational institutes and automated process in modern industries in capacity of Scientist, Education Professionals, System Developers and System Integrators.
  2. Have sound background to practice advanced concepts of electronics in the areas sensor technology, Semiconductor Devices, Mechatronics, and Industrial Communication in R & D organizations, educational institutes, industry and Government settings meeting the growing expectations of stakeholders.
  3. Have an ability to pursue higher studies and succeed in academic and professional careers.
  4. Have the ability to address professional demands individually and as a team member communicating effectively in technical environment using modern tools.
  5. Recognize the need for and possess the ability to engage in lifelong learning and will be sensitive to consequences of their work both ethically and professionally for productive professional career.  

Programme Outcomes (POs):

Graduates of the M. Sc. (Electronics) program are expected to -

PO1. The citizenship and society: Apply broad understanding of ethical and professional skill in electronics technology in the   context of global, economic, environmental and societal realities while encompassing relevant contemporary issues.

PO2. Environment and sustainability: Apply broad understanding of impact of electronics technology in a global, economic, environmental and societal context and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO3. Ethics:   Apply ability to develop sustainable practical solutions for electronics technology related problems within positive professional and ethical boundaries.

PO4. Individual and team work:   Function effectively as a leader and as well as team member in diverse/ multidisciplinary environments.

PO5. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex electronics technology related activities with the scientific community in particular and with the society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO6. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the first principles of electronics technology and apply these to one’s own work as a member and leader in a team, to complete project in any environment.

PO7.  Life-long learning:   Recognize the need for lifelong learning and have the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Specific Outcomes:

PSO1. Domain knowledge: Apply the knowledge of electronics fundamental, Sensor Technology, Semiconductor Devices, Mechatronics, and Industrial Communication for the solution of problems in complex electronics related problems.

PSO2. Problem Analysis: Identify electronics related problems at varied complexity and analyse the same to formulate/ develop substantiated conclusion using first principles of Sensor Technology, Semiconductor Devices, Mechatronics, Industrial Communication and scientific literature.

PSO3. Design Development of solutions : Design / develop solutions for   problems at varied complexity in the area Sensor Technology, Semiconductor Devices, Mechatronics, and Industrial Communication to address changing challenges put forward by market demand/ stakeholder

PSO4. Conduct Investigation of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and methods to design of experiments, analyse resulting data and interpret the same to provide valid conclusions.

PSO5. Modern tools: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern electronics and relevant IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex electronics technology related activities with clear understanding of the limitations.

