“Technology can never replace teachers, but technology in the hands of teachers is transformational”
Welcome to the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. We are regionally and nationally renowned department in the predominant areas of computer science and information technology since 1989. We are visional with producing professionals, researchers and innovators having ethical values for betterment of the society.
Department offers three post graduate programs viz. MSc Computer Science focusing towards making our student technologically strong with research attitude and prepare them for lifelong learning, MSc Information Technology focuses on fundamental knowledge, prevailing in advance technologies which prepares student for industries and research. M. Tech. program in computer science and Engineering focuses on advancements in DBMS, Machine Learning, remote sensing and GIS and other elective courses. Post PG program that is M. Phil. in computer science focusing on research methodology, pattern recognition and research specialized courses from the electives. Ph.D. (Computer science and Engineering, Computer Science) offers research in all upcoming areas of research. We are equipped with modern, state-of-the-art laboratories to undertake high quality research. Major instruments available are: Biometric, ASD field spectra, CSL, Emotive, EEG Machine, Digital ECG machine, Palmprint Scanner, Iris scanner, PanOptic retina scanner, Quadcopter, Gesture Control Robotics Kit, RONALD AV mixer, Sony HDR, Canon DSLR, HP plotter and workstations and much more.....
Students are supported with various national scholarships, fellowships and earn and learn schemes to fulfill their desire of education on university premises. We have 12 full-time faculty members with diverse specialization and qualifications with extensive domestic and international experience.
Even through this journey of twenty nine years, the state-of-the-art infrastructure is in full utilization in the department. Multidisciplinary group works, global integration and industrial problem-solving are inherent parts of the course structures.
We believe in horizontal growth of our students by organizing academic initiatives in the department for research, innovations, skills enhancement and interdisciplinary interactions.
I feel obliged to welcome you.
With warm wishes
Dr. R. R. Manza
Professor & Head
Phone No. :(office) 0240-2403316 ext. 108
Mobile No. :9421308853
e-mail :head.csit@bamu.ac.in