Credit Based System


The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology has opted for a credit-based system under the academic flexibility Programme of the university. This provides the flexibility to make the system more responsive to the changing needs of our students, the professions and society. It gives greater freedom students to determine their own pace of study. The credit-based system also facilitates the transfer of credits.

The Course: The department has classified various courses in terms of their credit. For convenience each course has been given a number. The first digit of the number represents the number of credits associated with the course. The second two digits provide the level of the course. T in front of the number means theory course and P means Practical course. Any number greater than 50 means the level of the course is Post graduate and less than 50 means it is for undergraduate. One credit in theory course is equivalent to about 15 lectures of 1 hour ,whereas it is two hours of practical in practical course. The student are supposed to take courses not less than 25 of credits in each semester. In four semesters ,they are required to complete 100 credits

In every semester the courses offered by the department will be known to students and students are asked to opt for the courses listed by the department.One or more than one teacher will be assigned to each course. The teacher(s) is(are) required to give details of the syllabus. The syllabus will describe the objective of the course. It will describe the detail time table regarding coverage of these topics . The text book ,reference book etc will also be mentioned. The teacher will also describe in the syllabus about method of evaluation to the students. Thus it will be responsible of the concerned teacher(s) to provide the following information:

  • Teacher Information : The teacher concerned will provide information about his contact number and his availability to students.
  • Course Description: It will provide objective of the course and the topics to be covered
  • Text Books and other references : It will describe all materials to be used in the course.
  • Exams and Grading: This will describe during the course how students will be
  • Programming Assignments & Portfolio: This is regarding assignments and their weighatage in grading.
  • Scheduled for Topics and lectures: The detail of the time scheduled for lectures.

The Grading:

At the end of each semester , the teacher will assign grades to each student and will submit it to the department. The department will submit these grades to the university to give official results to students.

The grade will be as follows:

  • O (Outstanding) will have 9.00-10 points
  • A++ (Excellent) will have 8.00-8.99 points
  • A+ (Exceptional) will have 7.00-7.99 points
  • A (Very good) will have 6.00-6.99 points
  • B+ (Good) will have 5.50-5.99 point
  • B (Fair) will have 5.00-5.49 point
  • C+ (Average) will have 4.50-4.99 point
  • C (Below average) will have 4.01-4.49 point
  • D (Pass) will have 4.00 point.
  • F (Fail) will have 0 point.

Any student with F grade will be considered to be failed in the course. He has to repeat the course in the next semester or in some other semester as instructed by the Head of the department. There will not be any reevaluation or reexamination in the system.

The Grade Point Average (GPA):The student will have GPA between 4 to 10 computed as follows:

GPA= Sum (Course credit * number of points in the course by a student) / Sum (Course Credit) The final grading which will be consistent with the UGC scheme will be awarded as per the GPA .