Themes and Tracks of the Conference

Scholars, developers, managers and users of emerging technologies and digital economy are invited to submit their papers to one of the following tracks.





Digital transformation processes in the private and public sectors

Aim & scope

Papers submitted to this track should discuss issues related to this digital transformation and provide recommendations on how to handle it efficiently.

Managerial challenges of digital transformation in the public and private sectors (HR ; Financial ; Logistics; Cultural; etc); Processes of digital transformation (Digital project management); Comparative analysis of digital transformation in public Vs. private


E-marketing and e-commerce

Aim & Scope

The aim is to appreciate the impact of digital technology on consumer purchase behavior, discover various frameworks involved in creating digital marketing strategy, utilize different social media based on unique benefits they offer to users, and adopt use of key practices applied in e-commerce.

E-advertising; Pros & Cons; Pros & Cons of social media marketing; Web design in e- commerce; Cross- cultural issues in e- commerce; online consumer behavior; online consumer data



Aim & Scope

The aim of this track is to discuss about this new emergent ecosystem, revitalized by the efforts of the innovators and the entrepreneurs, in its potential of radical transformation of the banking and financial industry. The analysis should contribute to the understanding of the new business models and the digitization processes of the service offering in this industry.

Digital financial intermediation; Digital Currencies ; Alternative Finance ; Online auctions; Cloud accounting


E-learning and e-pedagogy Aim & Scope

The use of technology in teaching and learning is becoming more and more frequent. Digital leaning has the merit of connecting geographically dispersed people and ensuring the dissemination of knowledge across borders at a lower cost and shorter time. The aim of this track is to discuss about issues related to e-knowledge transfer, e-pedagogy, digitalization of learning and teaching, etc

E-Knowledge transfer; Processes of digitalization of teaching materials; New technologies in e-learning; E- pedagogy Vs. conventional pedagogy


Digital Economy Boosting Growth Aim & Scope

Emerging technologies play today an important role in creating new economic opportunities while killing other economic sectors. The aim of this track is to discuss the role emerging technologies play in boosting economic growth and creating new economic opportunities; the design and implementation of digital economic policies and the impact digital economy has on national and international investment and value creation.

Openness, Regional Integration and Economic Growth; Productivity and Economic Growth; Financing the development; Financial risks and capital flows; Looking ahead: New prospects for innovation from a regional perspective; Innovation, Growth and Social Prosperity; Access to financing and the contribution to inclusive social and economic development.


Data Science and Uncertainty Aim & Scope

Given the growth and availability of data collected from different resources, extracting knowledge and relevant information from these data has become an important challenge. Data Science techniques and methods allow the extraction of such Knowledge or insights from data in various forms, either structured or unstructured. The complexity of data and the complexity of simulating complex phenomena make the process of extracting knowledge usually uncertain. Therefore, uncertainty quantification becomes a necessary requirement when designing numerical, mathematical and computer based methods. Authors are invited to submit original work in all areas of Data Science and Uncertainty fields.

Uncertainty theories (probability, possibility; Machine learning; Information fusion; Big Data; Database management


Online Users and their Stakeholders' Behavior (OUSB) Aim & Scope

The aim of this session is to bring together academicians from different disciplines to present and debate their studies about the users and their stakeholders' behavior, its pattern, its facilitators and inhibitors online.

E-administration services adoption; e- users' consumption experiences; Online information processing and buyer behavior; Culture impact on online exchanges; Online trustworthiness and trust development and maintaining; Information efficacy; Connectedness and user behavior


Multimedia Security in Digital Economy (MSDE)

Aim and Scope

The amount of multimedia services has grown exponentially due to the great development of the Internet, multimedia-enabled devices and wireless Internet access. Many companies are communicating with customers through a wider use of audios, images, and videos. Those multimedia services as news broadcasting, VoD, music downloading, movie channels, on- line gambling are obtained in exchange of a payment.

E-payment systems and protocols; e- banking security; Authentication Protocols; Web Application Security; Partial and Scalable encryption of Multimedia content; Cryptanalysis; Digital Watermarking; Multimedia integrity; Steganography and information hiding; Digital forensics


  • Every Co-Author Registration Fees is Additional.
  • The Paper Presentation is mandatory.
  • Selected Papers will be published.
  • No conference kit for Spot Registrations.


  • The author must submit the paper to one the tracks above-mentioned. The number of the track chosen must be communicated during the submission process.

  • Selection of papers is based on their originality, relevance to the conference topics and technical soundness, following a peer-reviewing process. One of the authors of an accepted submission has to attend the conference to present the work. Papers should be submitted in Word format through the online system. [ Format for Paper Writing should be in accordance with the Guidelines available on the Conference Website. Adherence to the same compulsory. ]

  • Papers received for the said Conference will undergo Plagiarism Scrutiny.

For more information about submission of Paper, please follow the Website (http://