Fuctions & Duties of Senate

Functions and duties of Senate.

  List of Senate Members 2022-2027

  • to give suggestions to the university authorities on improvements that can be made in all areas and domains that are an integral part of the university, namely, academics, research and development, administration and governance;
  • to review current academic programmes and collaborative programmes;
  • to suggest new academic programmes consistent with the societal require- ments in higher education;
  • to suggest measures for improvement and development of the university;
  • to confer, on the recommendation of the Management Council, honorary degrees or other academic distinctions;
  • to review broad policies and programmes of the university and suggest measures for its improvement and development;
  • to receive, discuss and approve the annual financial estimate (budget), the annual report, accounts, audit reports and their satisfactory compliances along with its certification by the auditor and the disciplinary or otherwise action taken report in this regard by the University;
  • to approve comprehensive perspective plan and annual plan for the location of colleges and institutions of higher learning, as recommended by the Academic Council;
  • to review and adopt the report of students' grievance redressal report to be presented by Registrar of the University;
  • to review and adopt the reports of the Board of Students' Development and Board of Sports to be presented by the concerned directors;
  • to give suggestions to the University authorities on improvements that can be made in the area and domains of student welfare, sports, cultural activities of the University;
  • to make, amend or repeal statutes.
