The department of Mass communication and Journalism was established in 23rd Aug. 1973, during the tenure of vice chancellor the late Dr. R.P. Nath. Founding director of the UDMCJ was renowned social scientist and editor the late S.M. Garge who gave founding values and principles to move on.
Later on the academic leadership provided by the late Dr. Sudhakar Pawar, Dr. V.L. Dharurkar, Prof. Suresh Puri, Dr. Sudhir Gavane, Associated Prof. Jaidev Dole and Prof. & Head Dr. Dinkar Mane.
This year department entering its 46th successful year, has state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure offering quality education for all students from difference sections of the society.
Technology is transforming and shaping journalism and mass communication industries in way like never before. The department of mass communication and journalism is embracing these changes, creating a hub of innovative digital laboratories, conversion news rooms, media properties and embracing an integrated curriculum that enables students to graduate ready to harness the potentiality for digital media for both journalism and strategic communication. this ability to create content across multimedia platform while adhering to values, skill & ethics that industry demands allows the graduates to complete in this ever journalism aims to be, indisputable, the best journalism and communication programs in nation. Employable curriculum, renown facilities, apple are the strength of the department. Which recognized the department as a leader in mass communication & Journalism in the region.