Our Vision & Mission


UDMCJ has a vision to train a journalist of global standard, with a high intention of social responsibilities, ethics, social equality, to make concretize fourth pillar of democracy. We are trend setter in Journalism for last 40 years, & ahead in using state of the Art technology.


POLICY SHIEFT IN 21 ST CENTURY TO COPE UP WITH NEW GLOBAL CHALLENGES : From the year 2000 , we made drastic changes in our policies and programmes to cope up with globalized media environment Along with LOCAL media human resource creation mission , we have added GLOBAL media human resource mission by instituting state of the art technology –driven courses catering journalistic needs of developing world . Thus our mission converted in to GLOCAL JOURNALISM TRAINING [ Global and Local ] and accordingly new courses were adopted such as UNESCO designed [2008] Model Curriculum for Developing countries was instituted first time in India in the year 2009 .

  • To offer technology –driven bachelor, Post-graduate and Research programmes in the domain of mass communication and journalism.
  • To provide Glocal journalism training [ Global and Local ] such as UNESCO designed Model Curriculum.
  • To experiment and research new trends, practices and technology in the international scenario.