Prof. Y. K .Khillare
Director, EUPHRATES Program
Phone No. :(office) (0240)-2403363
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e-mail :director.euphrates@bamu.ac.in
Prof. Khillare Y. K. is a Senior Professor and Head of the Zoology Department. In his 30 years of academic career he has carried out work in the field of aquatic toxicology and fishery biology and has published seven books and more than 70 papers in the leading journals of international repute. He was awarded “young Scientist award” in 1991 by Dutch scientific community in International conference held in Utrecht University, The Netherland at the hands of Prof. D I Zandee. He has also been honored by Governor of Maharashtra state, India for his valuable contribution in the field of fishery science.
He was president in Animal, veterinary and fishery science section in Indian science congress association [2012] an apex scientific society of sciences in India. He has published seven book on hotspots in the field of aquatic pollution and reproductive behavior in freshwater fishes. Currently working on the role of Sertoli cells in the reproduction in fishes for which he has been awarded research grants by University grants commission, India. He has worked with Prof. S K Skora, Director, Hel Marine research station, Hel, Poland and Prof. Erik Neuman ,then Director, National fisheries research Institute, Oregrund, Sweden in 1995 under Indo-Polish scientific exchange program.
At present he is working as a visiting Professor with Ambo University, Ambo, Ethiopia and coordinating four International programs under MoU programs with Poland, New Zealand, France, Ethiopia. Currently coordinating the EUPHRATES program with European Union and member consortium of University of Compostela de Santiago, Spain.