About Us

The UGC's mandate includes Promoting and coordinating university education; Determining and maintaining standards of teaching, examination and research in Universities; Framing regulations on minimum standards of education; Monitoring developments in the field of collegiate and university education; Disbursing grants to the Universities and Colleges; Serving as a vital link between the Union and State Governments and institutions of higher learning; Advising the Central and State Governments on the measures necessary for improvement of university education. To monitor standards of the higher educational institutions it has established the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) as an autonomous body, under section 12 (ccc) of its Act in September 1994. NAAC is entrusted with the task of performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation of Universities and Colleges in the Country. The philosophy of NAAC is ameliorative and enabling rather than punitive or judgmental, so that all constituencies of institutions of higher learning are empowered to maximize their resources, opportunities and capabilities. NAAC has been instilling a momentum of quality consciousness amongst Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs or ‘Institutions’), aiming for continuous improvement. NAAC is triggering a ‘Quality Culture’ among the various constituents of the HEI, as well as enhancing the awareness of Institutional Quality Assurance with all stakeholders. The prime agenda of NAAC is to Assess and Accredit Institutions of higher learning with an objective of helping them to work continuously to improve the quality of education. Assessment is a performance evaluation of an HEI and /or its units and is accomplished through a process based on self-study and peer review using defined criteria. Accreditation refers to the certification given by NAAC which is valid for a period of five years. NAAC accredits UGC 2(f) & 12B as well as non 2(f) & 12B HEIs.

At the instance of NAAC Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada Universities, Aurangabad established the Internal Quality Assurance Cell 3 (IQAC) in 2003 under the chairmanship of Vice-Chancellor as a post accreditation quality sustenance activity. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will become a part of the university’s system and work towards realisation of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions. For this, during the post-accreditation period, it will channelize all efforts and measures of the institution towards promoting its holistic academic excellence
