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The NATIONAL ASSESMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL has come a long way since its inception in the year september 1994.Established as autonomous institution under the UGC, the NAAC has been able to instill a momentum of quality consciousness amongst Higher Educational Institutions (HEI's) leading to continues improvement.
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Quality assurance is a by-product of ongoing efforts to define the objectives of an institution, to have a work plan to achieve them and to specify the checks and balances to evaluate the degree to which each of the tasks is fulfilled.
IQAC may be constituted in every institution under the Chairmanship of the Head of the institution with heads of important academic and administrative units and a few teachers and a few distinguished educationists and representatives of local management and stakeholders.
Research Papers Published During Last Five Years(View Details)
Teaching Experience of the Faculty(View Details)
Sanctioned Seats &Admissions(View Details)
Student Grievances(View Details)
2.2.2 List of Teachers with Affiliation(View Details)
2.2.2 Students Latest Academic Year(View Details)
2.2.2 Upload Students Latest Academic Year(View Details)
2.5.1 Examination & Days Required(View Details)
2.6.2 Students Passing Percentage(View Details)
Admission Extract 2018-19(View Details)
Admission Extract 2019-20(View Details)
Admission Extract 2020-21(View Details)
Admission Extract 2021-22(View Details)
Admission Extract 2022-23(View Details)
Admission Extracts Links(View Details)
No. of full time teachers in institutions year-wise(View Details)
No. of students on roll year-wise during last five years(View Details)
Number of final year outgoing students year-wise(View Details)
Number of full time teachers with Ph. D.(View Details)
Percentage of Full time teacher appointed against sanctioned posts(View Details)
Total number of full time teachers without repet count(View Details)
3.1.1 Research Facilities and PolicyView Details)
3.1.2 Seed Money Provided(View Details)
3.1.3 Fellowships Financial Support Teachers(View Details)
3.1.4 JRF SRF Research Associates(View Details)
3.2.1-3.2.2-Grants-Projects(View Details)
3.3.1 Innovation Ecosystem(View Details)
3.3.2 Awards for Research and Innovations(View Details)
3.4.1 Research Advisory Council(View Details)
3.4.2 Patents(View Details)
3.4.3 PhDs Awarded(View Details)
3.4.4 Papers Published(View Details)
3.4.5 Books Published(View Details)
3.4.6 Econtent Created(View Details)
3.4.7 Bibliometrics(View Details)
3.4.8 Bibliometrics(View Details)
3.5.1 Consultancy(View Details)
3.6.2 Extension Activity(View Details)
3.7.1 List of Activities(View Details)
4.1.1 Physical Facilities(View Details)
4.1.2-4.2.2-4.4.1(View Details)
4.2.1 ILMS(View Details)
4.3.1 IT Facilities(View Details)
4.3.3 Facilities for E-content Development and Other Resources(View Details)
4.4.2 Maintenance of Physical Facilities(View Details)
5.1.1 List of Beneficiary Students(View Details)
5.1.2 Career Counselling(View Details)
5.1.3 Capacity Building Initiatives(View Details)
5.2.1 Placements List of Students(View Details)
5.2.2 Progression List of Students(View Details)
5.2.3 NET SET Qualified Students(View Details)
5.3.1 Awards for Sports(View Details)
5.3.3-(2) List of Sports and cultural Activities(View Details)
5.4.1 Alumni Contribution Merged(View Details)
6.1.1 Institutional Governance(View Details)
6.2.1 Strategic Planning(View Details)
6.2.2 E-Governance(View Details)
6.3.2 Teachers Provided Financial Support(View Details)
6.3.3 FDPs Attended(View Details)
7.1.2 Alternate Energy Sources(View Details)
7.1.4 Water Conservation(View Details)
7.1.5 Green Campus(View Details)
COs for all courses(View Details)
The educational institutions must have long term objectives and rest after initial euphoria of accreditation process. It is in this context that the NAAC has been pushing colleges to set up Internal Quality Assurance Cells (IQAC). The NAAC's advocacy of establishment of IQAC by every accredited institution as a post accreditation measure is the first step towords institutionalization and internalization.