

Established in 1962, department of history and Ancient Indian Culture is one of the oldest academic Department of University. It is a composite department teaching varied courses in Indian History, Non-Indian History giving emphases to emerging areas like social History, intellectual History and subaltern History. Department of History unanimously persuaded multifaceted terrain of research. Nevertheless it has chosen to give emphasis to history of Deccan. Present faculty is engaged in the various aspects of Deccan History ranging from Ancient to Modern.

Department offers M.A., M. Phil, Ph. D courses in History a PG. Certificate Course in Museum Studies is started from JUNE 2009. Department of History and AIC has rich legacy of research in Art Architecture, Archaeology, Maratha History, Modern Maharashtra and foreign History. In view of research interest of faculty and research students of this region, department of history has chosen History of Deccan as a thrust area of Department. History of Deccan is a multifaceted research area with manifold problematic of studying a region from ancient to modern periods, flexible enough to accommodate early history of Deccan, Medieval Deccan, and vibrant history of Marathas to colonial western India. The faculty and research students are taking various topics like cultural history: Art Architecture, Archaeology, and history of religious Movements, Social History: various social formations and changes therein, caste and gender movements, intellectual History; philosophical and ideological genealogy; Economic History: Trade and Urbanization, Historiography, studies of emancipation: women’s movement, peasant and Dalit Movement, Hyderabad freedom Struggle. Teachers in the department are shouldering the responsibility as the Directors of and perusing training, research and extension activities in concurrence with the thrust areas of department of History.
