Our Vision & Mission


  1. Department is keen to evolve new pedagogical tools. In that process departments of history is using Films and Documentaries and audio-video materials
  2. Department is promoting participatory method of learning. Department organizes student seminars, quiz competitions, group discussion, open discussions to train students. It regularly organizes tours to historical places, museums and tourist destinations. Student has to prepare the reports based on their field visits.
  3. Department is innovative in employing different participatory mode of examination student are asked to write book reviews, visit reports, report writing of the seminar conference and workshops.
  4. Department uses modern technology like LCD projector and internet etc. for teaching.
  5. In view to connect history syllabus with contemporary challenges and to make history learning applied with academic environment full of critical engagement department is thinking of launching different certificate and diploma courses in coming future.
  6. Department will start Certificate course in ‘The Studies of Social Movements in Maharashtra.’
  7. Department is also planning to start certificate courses in ‘Archaeological Studies’ and ‘Ajanta Ellora Studies’.
  8. Department will gradually develop these Certificate courses into the Diploma courses
  9. Department is keen in developing interdisciplinary inquiry in the field of history. It will enhance the sphere of history by including various fields of historical studies; like Archaeology, Social History, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, and Indology. Departmentwill strive to emerge as the premier Institute of Historical Studies.

All the faculty members Department are picking different research themes from Ancient and Medieval Deccan, Maratha History and Western India. They are innovatively engaged in the research which employs new research methods with different approaches like feminism, subaltern,environmentalist and anti-caste. Department is keen to develop the resources of research by collaborated efforts to bring different important sources to Departmental library, housed in the Department’s History Museum. Departmental faculty will undertake research assignments in varied ways like; writing research articles, monographs, books, editing research projects. The department will continue to organize the seminars workshops, conferences of International, National and Regional level.  Departmental faculty will undertake following research assignments, for which the information is given below in tabulated form:


Department will go for MoU with Center for

  1. Numismatics Studies-Anjenaeri.
  2. Deccan College-Pune,for the certificate Courses of Numismatics Studies and Archaeological Studies respectively.
  3. Department is planning to develop the certificate course in Ajanta Ellora Studies with association of Michigan University, USA. MOU with BhimraoAmbedkar University, Agra


To enhance the numerical graph of higher education amongst the youth of the region; enrich the quality and standard of teaching and learning through modern technology & science; create sound research background, excellent human resource with versatile personality, stimulate and support pro-poor community activities and in doing so strengthen all round regional progress and development.

Research activities in the department would be strengthened. To this end, the department is planning to emphasis on research activities with the support from the head of the university. The faculty members will undertake Minor/Major research projects with financial assistance from UGC, ICSSR and other funding agencies. For this, we would make the maximum use of the computers in the teaching and research activities. The departmental library will start functioning from next academic year and the department plans to subscribe the referred journals relevant to the subject. Audio-visual teaching aids and internet would be used limberly for class room instruction.

The department is planning to sign MoUs with Indian Universities/Institutions to establish cooperation in the areas of teaching, research and training. The department is planning to publish a book of M.Phil./PhD dissertations abstract.